Chapter 1

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A Rose among Thorns

Chapter 1

“Flight 475 will be boarding in 5 minutes, please have your passports ready....” Bla, bla, bla. I looked away from the departures board and to my parents. Both were new werewolf/vampire hybrids, unheard of until sixty years ago. Lucas and Sapphire Stark will officially become the new rulers of all the supernaturals in just under a month from now taking over my grandparents so that they could ‘see the world’.

My three sisters stood to the side of them with their mates: The oldest, Amelia cradling her stomach while she smiled at me through her tears. She was the nicest to me, but she was always nice to everyone so it didn’t really make much difference. Next to her husband Roger stood Charlotte, the third oldest, clutching her boyfriend Lucian’s hand so tight I swear that he was having a hard time keeping himself from screaming. Then there was Hollie, the second oldest, cradling her daughter Anna to her chest while two year old Ben hugged his father, George.

Wondering why we’re all standing here like an episode from some long-forgotten sitcom? My parents were kicking me out. Not just from my home, but my country, hell, even the continent. All because of some promise dad had made to his best friend back in America. That and apparently there were no single maids left in the castle for me to chase, or any more pranks to pull on anyone that visited.

“So...are you going to explain why I’m suddenly being shipped off? Or do you rather just chuck me on a plane to the middle of nowhere?” I asked, crossing my arms.

“If you’d listened the past three months, you’d remember the promise I made to Drake. I didn’t want the pack anymore as I had too much to do here, so I tried to give my position to him as he was my beta.” Dad said in a strained voice, as the speech was tiring him,” We fought for the position as tradition, but I still won without trying. So I told him that you’d take over once he wanted to step down, and here we are.” He gestured to the airport around him with one hand, the other holding my mother’s.

“And I get no say in this?”

“Just suck it up already! You’re the son of the alpha, you were going to be alpha anyways!” Hollie cried bitterly.

“C’mon, I’m only fifty-nine years old! I’ve never spent any time around humans!” I protested as my father started taking me towards the departures lounge, thrusting my passport and plane ticket (One-way) into my hand.

“You’ll adapt.” Was the last thing he said to me, before turning around and strolling back down the airport, his hand running through his hair. My mother sighed but didn’t go running to him for once.

“Sweetheart, I know you didn’t want this but this was all sorted out when you were a baby. If he didn’t fulfil his promise, Drake would’ve sent wolves here after you anyway.” She said and hugged me,” We’ll miss you but we will visit soon.”

A flash of brown ran up to me and hugged me so hard I swear she broke my ribs,” I’ll miss you so much.” Amelia sobbed while Roger patted my shoulder awkwardly.

“I’ll miss you too, sis. Promise you’ll visit once the baby’s born?” I asked, patting her swollen stomach.

“You know I will, you’ll be the first once I’ll tell.” She said, wiping her eyes. They lived in Italy but at least they had a choice as to where they lived.

Charlotte ruffled my hair as well has her boyfriend while I scowled, but they gave small smiles of their own in return. They didn’t speak much, but they were happier that way.

Hollie just stared at me strangely while Ben ran at me, and I picked him up and twirled him around. God, I’ll miss him. He was so cute and was a little hell raiser. His fangs were coming through and he was biting anything with a pulse, including several trolls than left him a little sick. All over me.

“Don’t go unkey.” He could hardly speak he was crying so hard. I hugged him close to me.

“Don’t cry mate, you’ll do fine without me.” I put him down and ruffled his hair.

He looked up at me and wiped his hand with his sleeve, ”I’m not crying.”

Hollie rushed forward and scooped him up, meeting my eyes ,”Don’t mess this up. We don’t need any more trouble from you.”Hollie hasn't forgiven me for a mistake that I made back when I was only  a vampire feldging, something that changed my life forever. Another reason to ship me off, me being depressed all the time wasn't good for the family's image, and made me look weak.

I nodded and picked up my bag, slinging it over my shoulder. My sisters were all vampires. I was the only hybrid out of them all. Hence why I was chosen for the alpha position.

I waved to my family once more before turning my back on them, towards my future.

So what do you think? 

A Rose Among Thorns- Book 2 in the Corvale Pack SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now