Chapter 5

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A Rose Among Thorns

Chapter 5


I had a mate? Seriously, another one? Boy, the moon goddess must sure like me. I grinned at the blonde and made my way over, and stood in front of her.

"Hey, I'm..." I started, but I was cut off by a slap on the shoulder that almost knocked me into her red cup of what looked like vodka and coke.

A drinker...nice.

"Your highness, so glad that you could make it! I hope that the new alpha house is to your taste?" Richard bellowed in my ear over the loud music. I cringed, my ears stinging.

"Yeah, it's great!" I said, before turning to the girl again.

"Can someone turn that crap down!" He bellowed, and a few seconds later the music was much quieter, and my ears stopped throbbing. My hearing was super sensitive, and too much loud noises gave me a banging headache," That's better. I see you've met my daughter." He said proudly, putting an arm around her shoulders and grinning at me.

My stomach fell to my feet. His daughter?!

"Juliette Swanson." She said, and held out her hand. Her green eyes darted to Richard, to me, and then back again.

"Joseph, your new alpha." I said, ah crap now I sound stuck up! I took her hand and tried to ignore the sparks that were shooting up my arm.

"My son is around here somewhere too, I'll introduce you to him." He said, slapping me on the back again and taking me from the room. I saw Tabitha on the way out, and she raised her eyebrows at me. I gave her a 'help' look but she only gave me a small smile before reaching into her handbag and taking out a pair of 3D glasses and putting them on.

"Did she just..."

"Yes, she's a strange one, but a powerful ally to the pack. She'll come in handy." Richard interrupted before we walked down the long corridor.

This place was huge, I thought. It seemed that the original house wasn't enough, so extensions popped up here and there, making the whole layout a series of twists and turns.

"It's to confuse intruders, all the hallways look the same and have the same pictures. Even the windows are sort of in the same place." Richard explained.

"Must be hell if you're drunk." I muttered quietly.

"It is." Richard replied, laughing to himself. We reached a pair of double doors and walked into a large gym. There were blue mats scattered around the place as well as punching bags, running equipment, and, in the centre of the room, a large boxing ring, where three weres were fighting. One punched another in the face, and he fell to the floor, and the referee blew his whistle.

Out in one punch, the kid was good.

"My son." Richard muttered. I looked at him, but he was pointing at the forth were having his cheek stitched together. A guy in a white lab coat was kneeled in front of him.

"Why would he 'forget' to leave his knife outside of the ring anyway?" The wolf said, or at least I thought he did, but his mouth didn't move. Strange, the voice was way too high-pitched to be the doctor's.

The were only shrugged, before the doctor snipped the thread," Now that'll heal in a few hours, so for god's sake don't..." He trailed off as the were sprinted off the one of the shower rooms. The doctor sighed and started packing things away.

"Oscar." Richard said in a booming voice. The doctor tensed, before turning to face us, still kneeling.

"Yes, father?" He said in a quiet voice. He reluctantly took down the black hood, revealing a mass of untidy brown hair.

"I want you to meet Joseph, your new alpha." The doctor jumped up to stare at me, and that's when I had my first look at him.

He was a small boy, he only came up to my shoulders, and seemed swamped by the lab coat. He looked fifteen at the most, and his thick rimmed glasses made his yellow eyes stand out like he was an owl. Yellow? Strange, I've never known anyone with yellow eyes apart from zombies, and that was only in pictures.

Then I saw the sides of his face: One was covered in scratches, like someone had tried to claw his skin off, and the other was ever worse, burnt a raw red, it pulled the corner of his mouth and right eye down slightly, making him look a little lopsided. The burn continued down his neck and disappeared into his shirt, before I glanced down at his right hand and saw the uneven skin there.

"Good evening alpha, welcome to the Corvale pack." He said solemnly, he must have noticed my staring. I held out my hand, making sure that at least the left hand was smooth and scar-free.

"Hey." I muttered, looking at Richard to avoid him making me feel even guiltier.

"Oscar will be working with you and Miss. Doomstalker on  the case," He said. I opened my mouth to object, but he continued ,"Don't worry, the boy can't shift. He's not guilty."

I was saved by the sound of the gym doors slamming open, and Tabitha walked in, swinging the car keys around her finger. Once she saw the doctor however, she stopped.

"Ready to go?" She said, after tearing her gaze from him.

I looked back at him, but he'd already picked up his bag and was heading for the door. They shared a look at one another before he left, taking some of the tension with him.

"Yeah," I sighed, turning to Richard," I'll be back in a few days. She's supposed to show me around right?" He was looking at the doorway where his son had just disappeared with disgust before clearing his throat and his face broke into a bright smile.

"Yes, she is. I'll see you at the next pack meeting then. I will pass over the power to you officially then." He said, before walking over to the ring, watching the more able-bodied and scar less wolves.

This chapter is dedicated to my media buddy Iggy! She's an awesome writer, her werewolf book seriously needs more reads, it's really good!

Any thoughts on Juliette or Oscar? Comment below! :D

I have decided to set a comment goal for this book, I don't want to, but I feel that I'm not gettin any feedback. 5 comments until I update again.

Blondie x

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