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Watching how her uncle and her aunt put the boxes full of clothes and important things in the trunk of the car, Lexi wished she would never leave her hometown. Yes, the university is not that far and she can come home often, but this university is very important to Lexi. Here you have to be constant, you have to not miss a day, because every day new material is studied and if you miss even one class, there is no way to move forward. That's why Lexi gets sad. Because she knows she might not be back until Christmas.

In front of the university, the three hug each other goodbye.
"We are so proud of you Lexi." Lexi's aunt said.
Her aunt has always loved Lexi as her own child.
"Your parents would be proud of you."
her uncle said.

With tears in her eyes, Lexi waved at their car which soon drove away from the building and was out of sight.

Entering the building, Lexi felt uneasy. She didn't know anyone here, she didn't know where he should go.
Seeing how confused she was, two girls rushed to her aid.
"Hi I'm Pierson and this is Liv."
the tall girl introduced herself. The other girl named Liv smiled.
"Hi I'm Lexi." Lexi introduced herself.
"First year?" Liv asked her.
Lexi said yes.
The two girls said that it was their first year as well.
"Do you know where room 203 is?" Lexi asked.
"Yes! Come on, we'll show you!"
The three began to climb the stairs and were soon standing in front of room 203.
"We're in room 206. You can come and get to know us sometime if you want."
Lexi accepted their invitation then went into her room.

The room consisted of two large beds, a kitchen and a bathroom.
Lexi placed her things on the bed near the window. As she was packing, Lexi heard someone knock on the door, then open it.
Turning she saw a tall boy with dark hair and dark eyes looking straight at her with a warm gaze.
"Hi! I'm Andrew." the boy introduced himself. Andrew walked over to Lexi and shook her hand.

Lexi also introduced herself.
Andrew was stunned by the beauty of this girl.
Her green eyes, long dirty blonde hair and beautiful diamond shaped face made him interested in getting to know her more.

Lexi on the other hand thought he was a cute boy. Nothing more.
Lexi has been hurt many times in her life. Not only from the loss of his family, but also from friends.
After losing her parents all her friends abandon her and she just decides not to reveal herself to anyone anymore.
Now she had come here with the thought of studying all day and not getting to know other people because she is afraid of being hurt again.

Lexi had decided to act cold towards those who wanted to get to know her. Even to Andrew.
But she still doesn't know how stubborn Andrew really is.
Andrew is one of those people who, if they see you are at the bottom, will do everything possible to pull you up.

As the days passed, Andrew noticed Lexie's cold demeanor towards everyone.
He knew there was something that made her like this, but he didn't know what it was because she didn't share much about herself.
He noticed how she simply avoided being in noisy groups.
Lexi liked her own company.

She preferred to be in a quiet place and read a book instead of being in a noisy group and being around people who like to have fun in a different way.

Every day Andrew saw Lexi sitting on the grass by a tree reading a book.
He wanted to go to her and find out why this beautiful girl would rather be alone than with a group of friends.
He wanted to, but still couldn't muster up the courage.
Today he decided to do it.
At noon he found her in the same place.
He went to her and sat on the grass.
"Hey Lex! What are you doing?"
Andrew started the conversation.
"First, don't call me that! And second, can't you see I'm reading a book!" Lexie replied angrily.
Andrew was shocked by Lexi's behavior, but instead of him responding angrily as well, Andrew looked at her with his warm gaze and smiled.
"Cool! What's the name of the book?" asked Andrew.
"The Fault in Our Stars." Lexie replied and continued reading from her book.
Andrew tried to ask her a question, but Lexi just got up and left.

Andrew watched her walk forward with a brisk gait. He smiled to himself then got up and left.
Andrew's interest in Lexi grew stronger with each passing day.
She was so mysterious and he liked that.

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