2.Party night

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It's been a month since Lexi left her beloved home. So many find her beautiful and cool and want her in their companies, but Lexi doesn't want to meet new people. She and Andrew barely speak to each other. Well, Lexi didn't say a word to Andrew. They'll start some topic, say two or three sentences, and then let Andrew do the talking. Andrew thinks she's listening, but the truth is, when he starts talking, Lexi stops listening and starts reading her book. This book is very valuable to Lexi. It was the last gift from her parents before they died, in that fateful night.
The poor girl cries every night because of the terrible dreams she constantly has.

Even if they don't talk to each other, it drives Andrew crazy when Lexi is around him. It makes him happy.
Andrew has also lost a loved one. He lost his father when he was 13 years old. But over time he has learned that no matter how many tears you cry, this person will not come back. Now he smiles at the fact that his father is up there somewhere, proud of his son.

Every night before going to sleep, Andrew goes and sits on Lexie's bed and enjoys her beauty. Lexi is rarely without makeup, and those times are when she's sleeping.
Andrew just adores Lexi's natural beauty.
He could stand and look at her for hours.
Sometimes Andrew really wants to put his two fingers on Lexi's cheek and feel her tender face.
But he was afraid that she would wake up, be angry with him, and maybe never speak to him again.
So he preferred to stand and watch her sleep.

After the long and tiring school day, Andrew and Lexi lay on their beds and rested. Andrew was looking at his phone and Lexi was reading her favorite book again.
"Lexi, there's a party tonight. I'm going. If you want, come with me."
Andrew said to Lexi, hoping that she would accept his invitation and they would have a great time at this party. But unfortunately for him, she refused.
Lexi preferred to stay in her room and enjoy the rest rather than partying late.
Before Lexie lost her parents, she was like normal teenage girls. He was partying with friends, staying out late and having fun like any normal teenager. But after the tragedy, she changed.She stopped smiling, she cut off contact with people and most of the time stayed at home or was at work.
She herself doesn't even know when was the last time she was out in nature with friends.
Lexi doesn't want to live that kind of life. She wants to be like before even without her parents. She is ready to move on. But she is afraid. She is afraid of people who will use her for something and leave her hurt in the end. That's why she's afraid, that's why she can't go back to her old self yet.

Soon it was time for Andrew to leave for the party. Dress up in cool clothes, fix your hair and spray yourself with your favorite perfume.
He looked at Lexi one last time hoping she would change her mind, but she never said anything.

Andrew left the room and headed to room 237 where the party would be.
Entering the room he saw everyone drinking and dancing to the loud music.
He grabbed a glass of beer and looked around his room for his friends.
He found them sitting on the couch. He headed there, but someone crossed his path.
"Hey cutie, I'm Jaden!"
standing in front of him was a blonde girl wearing a black dress.
"Uh hi?" Andrew said confused.
Andrew was trying to drive the girl away to go to her friends, but she was brash and slightly drunk.

"If you want, we can get out of here and go to my room."
Jaden placed a finger on his chest and trailed it down his stomach.
Pierson and Liv noticed that Andrew couldn't get away from Jaden and like superheroes rushed to help.
"Heyy! We were looking everywhere for you!"
Pierson and Liv pulled Andrew's hand and the three of them disappeared into the crowd.

"Who are you guys?" Andrew asked Pierson and Liv who were still holding his hand.
The two quickly let go of his hand and turned to him.
"I'm Pierson and this is Liv!" Pierson introduced both.
"You're in the same room as this girl Lexi. Right?" Liv said.
Andrew confirmed.
The three bonded pretty well. They were sitting on the couch drinking beer.

"Hey Andrew. Do you know why Lexi avoids people?"
Liv asked. Pierson and Liv think Lexi is a very cool person. They think she is very beautiful and do not think badly of her. The two really want to get to know Lexi and the three become very good friends. But from their first day here, Lexi, didn't look for them.
Girls are under the impression that Lexi didn't like them and doesn't want anything to do with them.
So they turn to Andrew to find out what Lexi's problem is.

Andrew sight and answered.
"I don't know. We barely talk and I don't know anything about her. And she's so beautiful and it drives me crazy that she doesn't give me a chance to get to know her!"
Andrew, already slightly drunk, began to say what he was thinking.
You know, when you're drunk, you say what you think and feel.
Liv and Pierson looked at each other with a smirk.
"You like her don't you?"
Pierson asked Andrew, who was still drinking.
"It's not that I like her, she's just piqued my interest."
Liv and Pierson decided it was time to take Andrew to his room before he drank too much.
On the way, Andrew trips and falls to the ground, hitting his nose. Blood starts flowing from his nose when he is hit.

Arriving outside the room Pierson and Liv knock on the door.
After a few seconds, Lexi opens the door.
"Hey! Andrew drank too much and we decided to help him get here."
Pierson said.
The three helped Andrew to the bed.
"Well, good night!"
Pierson and Liv said and left Lexi and Andrew's room.

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