Chapter 3- Adeline

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Adeline fiddled with her fingers nervously as she and rest of the wards sat on a wooden bench outside of the Baron's office. She knew there was an absurdly low chance that she would be accepted into Battle School, but it never hurt to ask.

Martin poked his head out of the door and bellowed,"Wards! The Baron is ready for you!"

They shuffled into the large room and looked around curiously. The Baron sat at his large oak desk with papers surrounding him.

"Martin?" the Baron asked,"Are the craft masters ready?"

"They are sir. Would you like me to get them?" Martin responded.

"Yes, and please Martin, ask them don't shout at them," The Baron reminded him.

"Yes sir," Martin left and a moment later returned with the craft masters trailing behind him. Adeline knew all the craft masters by name, and had already been assured by Lady Pauline that she could be a courier. But Adeline wanted to be a knight.

"Please line up in order of tallest to shortest." Martin commanded.

She was second tallest after Henric, a tall, broad set boy who would easily make it in battle school.

Her brain shut down and she didn't register anything that happened until my her was called.

"And your name is?" Martin asked.

"Adeline Spaulding," The young girl replied nervously.

"Do you have a preference as to which craft?" Martin shouted.

"Um... Battle School Sir," she replied softly.

Sir Rodney shook his head,"I cant except you, you're just not built right,"

Adeline felt her cheeks flush,"I know that girls are being accepted into the Ranger corp so why can't I be a knight? I may not be as strong as everyone else but I'm probably a little faster," Adeline pleaded,"If I fail I'll go work in the fields, but let me at least try,"

Sir Rodney thought for a moment,"Very well, but you will still be sleeping in the boys dormitory for the first few nights but we'll figure something out,"

Adeline nodded her thanks and stepped back into line. She let her face wander as the other wards stepped forward.

Two shadows stood neatly by the barons desk almost unnoticeable. Adeline saw one nod slightly as if making a mental note.

The Adeline remembered the legends she'd grown up with. About the legendary Ranger Halt who could kill a full grown bear with only his hands. And his just as famous apprentice Will Treaty who had been a ward at Castle Redmont as well. How Will and Halt had killed the Kalkara along with Baron Arald and Sir Rodney and then Will had burned Morgarath's bridge with the Oakleaf knight. All of their adventures made Adeline's short life seem like nothing.

"Now please if you will report to your craft masters tomorrow at your assigned hour you will begin your apprenticeship," the greying Baron announced.

The former wards shuffled out of the Barons study and down to their rooms. They were ordered to rest and gather their belongings as the next day would be big for them.

Adeline lay on her bed, staring up and the wooden ceiling. Tomorrow would be a new day she promised herself before drifting off to sleep.

Eventually, Adeline woke up to the rustling of her ward mates as they made their way out for the last time. Adeline followed, grabbing the pack of her few belongings which she had packed the day before. She followed Henric as he methodically consumed his breakfast and left for Battle school.

When the former wards reached the battle school grounds they were instructed to find their bunks, then report to the training grounds.

Adeline found a curtained off area and entered. A small piece of parchment lay folded in the bed. She reached for it and in folded it with care.

For the Lady Adeline

Adeline smiled to herself and dropped her bag on the floor beside the bed. She left the note, hoping it would discourage anyone who thought to move her belongings and claim the bed.

Adeline braided her hair and tied it off, letting it dangly freely behind her. When she finally reached the training ground she saw all the new cadets standing in a line. She joined the end as to not draw attention to herself.

Sir Rodney, Sir Karel, and Sir Morton were standing in front of the cadets, reading off a list of names to mark everyone either present or absent.

"Henric Toly?" Sir Morton called out expectantly.

Henric stepped forward about halfway down the line,"Present Sir,"

Morton nodded, then his brow furrowed. He turned to Rodney. Rodney glanced at the paper then nodded.

"Adeline Spaulding?" Morton asked in incredulously.

"Present Sir," the young woman stepped forward and heads turned to face her.

A few mutterings were heard but none of the boys said anything.

Sir Morton carried along with the names, until every boy was called.

The cadets waited expectantly in the hot morning sun until Sir Karel barked,"From two lines!"

The cadets quickly shuffled into lines, and Adeline took up the back. Sir Karel and Sir Morton led them to a storage hut where practice swords and armor lined the wall. The cadets were set in a line with the biggest being at the front and the smallest being at the back. So of course Henric was at the front and Adeline the back. Adeline waited anxiously as the line moved slowly forward. Adeline watched the boys who had practice swords and armor rough house.

It was finally Adeline's turn and she stepped forward eagerly.

"Try this," Sir Morton handed her a sword, but it felt uneven and awkward in her hands. She shook her head and Sir Morton handed her a shorter, thinner blade. It felt right in her hand, but still a little off.

Adeline shrugged but thanked Sir Morton and wandered off.

A boy stalked up to her.

He sneered down at her and she glared back,"So you think you can be a knight?" He asked.

Adeline nodded,"I know I can be, it's whether or not anyone else believes it as well," she turned away as she gripped her blade in her hand.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2016 ⏰

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