[Fun Facts!]

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Hey guys!!! Sorry about my absence. I don't even have an excuse, I just haven't felt like writing 😅. That and I've been stressed with speed swimming. Anyways, I plan to try and get out all of the chapters I've missed and then try to stay on track from there. Since I haven't posted a lot lately, I decided to give you all some fun facts about the characters and the book!

If there's anything that you guys want to know about the book, characters, settings, or anything else, just ask me in the comments! I'll make sure I respond. I'm also open to any suggestions, so please tell me if there's anything you want me to add!

1. Kiera was the first OC for my book that I created. Like I've mentioned a bit about before, I based her off of the Sonic characters.

2. Kiera started out as a psychotic cat who was constantly pissed and about to fight someone. I've changed it so that she's a lot better at controlling her anger, and she's quite calm and serious. Though, she still does have some violent outbursts.

3. Kiera's casual outfit has changed twice, the first two both being made out of palm tree leaves. One of those outfits may be used again for fun in the future.

4. Her favourite food is lasagna.

5. She's a fan of Imagine Dragons music.

6. Kiera has PTSD and insomnia, though she does her best to hide it from others.

7. She's bisexual.

8. She can speak Japanese and Russian, and uses it to either communicate with others who speak those languages or swear without anyone knowing.

1. Bolt is Japanese, and he can speak Japanese as well.

2. Bolt's original personality was a lot like Kiera's, being quiet and a total badass. Clearly, he's changed quite a bit from that

3. Bolt is terrified of snakes.

4. Bolt is a pansexual.
1. Pipit was not decided to be in the book beforehand like my other characters were, I had based her off of Hex from Friday Night Funkin' and decided that she could be a character.

2. Pipit was originally a cheery robot version of Kiera.

3. I didn't actually have a name for Pipit until the chapter right after I introduced her.

4. Pipit has memory loss, and remembers nothing from before meeting Kiera and Bolt due to Bolt damaging her with his lightning bolt.

5. Pipit is a pansexual.

1. Veo's ability to control his bloodlust by using a replacement is based off of Marceline from Adventure Time.

2. Veo had stayed alone in a cemetery for so long for the food, not wanting to kill living beings and not having a lot around to kill anyways.

Anyways, I may add some more facts later, but I thought it's best I at least give you guys something. Bye bye!

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