Searching for gems

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The gang stares at the cave, looking around in amazement. Water peacefully falls from waterfalls into a ring of water, surrounding a beautiful statue of an angel, one a lot more eye popping than the ones Kiera faced before.

They all look around at the beautiful illusions on the wall, showing a scene of heaven, angels flying around in the clouds, all seeming so happy. In the middle of the image, it draws a lot of attention towards a yellow kitten, which is the next one they're looking for.

As they look closer at the angel statue, it looks like she's supposed to be holding something, but that something is missing... Bolt pulls out another paper, studying the old sheet. It seems that if he wants to do what he's planning on doing to get the group to the yellow cat, he's gonna need some things.

He turns to the others, showing them the sheet he's holding. "Alright guys, we've got some stuff to find if we want to reach the next cat." He motions to five shapes in the floor. "See these? We have to find the gems that go there," He then points to the angels empty hands, "and to finish it, we gotta find the star that goes in her hands."

The others nod, getting a good look of the map and seeing that all of the gems should be in the area, as they all run off in different directions. Bolt sighs, not planning for them to split up, but realizing it was bound to happen. He walks out with Creamsicle, heading to find the cyan coloured gem.

Meanwhile, Veo heads off to find the pink gem, Pipit heads off with Lily to find the indigo gem, and Kiera heads off with Blibzy to find the purple gem and the lime green gem.

Veo first heads into another cave. He looks in all of the cracks and crevices in attempts to find this pink rock. Through one of the cracks, he sees something on the other side. In one swift movement, he turns into a bat and squeezes through the hole, making it over to the other side.

There, he sees something truly beautiful. The roof of the cave is gone, letting all of the sunlight in, giving cherry blossom trees the chance to grow. Pink peddles fall like raindrops all around, pink and magenta flowers growing from the forest floor. If he wants to find the pink gem, this is where it'll be.

Bolt, on the other hand, heads a completely different direction, going deeper into the woods. He looks at the image again, trying to figure out where he could find the cyan gem.

He walks around trees, Creamsicle following in his footprints. After swerving around trees for a while, he reaches a beautiful and majestic pond, that looks at if it was sparkling. He checks the image again, realizing he's made it to the place where he'll find the cyan gem.

Meanwhile, Pipit walks around with Lily's basket looped in her arm, not really focused on the task at hand. She looks at her surroundings, being happy and at peace.

Lily starts to get that tone in her little voice that signifies she's about to cry. Pipit carefully takes her out of her basket, using her robotic body to warm up some milk for her. After testing to make sure the temperature of the milk is just right, she begins to feed little Lily, taking her time.

While she feeds the little kitten, she continues to walk through the woods. Without even noticing, she enters a completely different area. The ground around her turns black, and the trees disappear. Sparks of indigo light comes up through cracks in the ground, making the scenery a whole lot more beautiful.

She puts Lily back into her basket, making sure she's safe and secure. Before she even has time to notice the scenery change, she trips on something poking out of the ground, sending her falling and Lily's basket flying, Pipit just barely catching her in her basket before she hits the ground.

Unlike Pipit, Kiera is quite focused on her task. She had memorized where the purple and lime green gems were on the sketch, and she is ready to find them, limping slowly in the direction she plans to go. Blibzy sits on her head as she walks, taking a little catnap while catching a ride. Kiera looks around in attempts to find an area of the forest that is a lot more green than the rest.

She finds some trees with vines growing from them, knowing she's getting closer. The grass seems to get greener and looks a lot healthier, more flowers growing on the forest ground and the area becoming less dense with trees. She finds a patch of land with no trees covering it, giving a nice clear area. She knows that this is where she'll find the green gem.

Back with Veo, he searches through the cherry blossom forest, checking all of the trees in case the gem is hiding in the leaves. He checks every pile of peddles, searching through every bush he sees. He's determined to find the pink gem before Bolt finds the cyan one, wanting to beat him in a competition he doesn't even know he's apart of.

He reaches the other end of the forest, finding a stone wall from the cave that surrounds the area. That's when he spots it. In the wall stands a glowing, bright pink gem, drawing Veo's attention to it. He rushes over, trying to pull it out.

Bolt looks around, trying to spot the gem in the water. It's almost as if he was able to tell this was a competition between him and Veo, and he wants to win it too. Both cats know that Kiera will be pleased with whoever finds the gems faster, since she doesn't want to be looking all day and wants to reach the next cat as fast as they can.

Bolt spots something glistening in the water, emitting a blue glow. His eyes widen as he spots the gem, quickly removing his hat and shoes, readying himself for what he's about to do.

Pipit sits up, picking up Lily's basket as she looks back to see what she tripped on. After dusting herself off, she looks down to see the indigo gem, sticking out of the ground. Seeing that, she snaps back into reality, remembering what her task is. She grabs onto the gem, trying to pull it out.

Kiera looks around in the grass, before finding something strange. She sees a bunch of vines on the ground, all leading to one spot, creating a bundle of vines in the centre.

She heads over, pulling out her sword as she begins to chop the vines, working her way to the centre to see what this bundle is holding. After cutting another vine, she sees a glowing green light...

As Veo continues to pull on the pink gem with all of his strength, it begins to grow brighter. Sharp dripstone begins to rise around him, curving at the top to trap him in, the dripstone so close together that it prevents Veo from getting out, even in his bat form!

As Bolt dives into the water, he swims towards the glowing blue light, swimming deeper and deeper while Creamsicle waits for him on the surface. He finally gets close enough, grabbing the cyan gem and pulling it up. As he does, he feels a hand grab him in the water, pulling him down!

Pipit attempts to pull the indigo gem out of the ground, using all of her robot strength to do so. Suddenly, the ground around her begins to crack, a large, life threatening crack heading to surround her, an indigo goo oozing from the cracks!

As Kiera finds the green gem, she begins to cut deeper into the vines, attempting to free it. She cuts enough vines away, grabbing the green gem and trying to pull it out. As she does, the vines begin to grow around her arm, trapping her to the ground. More vines slither out, climbing up her legs and surrounding her with a tight grip, taking Blibzy along with her!

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