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In the morning, the gang wakes up. As the others feel well rested, Kiera feels as if they're being watched. She brushes the feeling off, assuming if anyone is watching them, it's probably an animal, and if not, she'll be able to get rid of them when the time comes. Though, she keeps her guard up, just in case. She slowly sits up, picking up Red and standing up with him snuggled up, asleep in her arms.

Bolt and Pipit leave the came, quickly coming back with some purple apple-looking fruits for breakfast. "Hungry?" Bolt asks with a smile.

"Are we sure those are safe to eat?" Kiera asks, seemingly suspicious of the strange fruit.

"Pipit scanned them and says they aren't poisonous! Plus, she said they're actually more filling than regular apples, which is good since we haven't eaten a lot lately! I'm so hungry!" He says, almost desperate to eat.

"I've had food in my bag this whole time, all you had to do was ask." Kiera says bluntly.

"...Why...didn't you tell me...SOONER?!" Bolt says in a hangry way.

She just smirks. "Never came up. Plus, you saw me pack it, I didn't really have to tell you."

Bolt's eye twitches. "YOU DID THAT INTENTIONALLY!" He yells, though it's hard to take him seriously with how funny his angry voice is. Kiera chuckles quietly to herself, taking one of the apples out of Bolt's hands and taking a bite as she heads for the exit of the cave. Bolt sighs, eating his own and putting the rest in Kiera's backpack as he grabs Lily's basket and heads out with her, Pipit following close behind.

As they head off into the forest once more, it loses its bright atmosphere as rain begins to pour from the sky, the only thing shielding them being the leaves of the trees. Red jumps down from Kiera's arms and walks alongside her on the ground, having fun and playing with the mud. Pipit joins him, jumping in puddles as they walk along. Kiera ignores the rain as she walks, but Bolt soon joins the other two in their fun as they make their way through the woods.

While Red is playing around in puddles and mud, a little dragonfly lands on his nose. Being a cat, his eyes lock on to it and follow its every move, attempting to catch the thing. Before he can swipe, the dragonfly flies off, swerving through the trees as it goes. Red jumps up and gives it a chase, following the dragonfly into the thick woods...

The others continue to walk, not noticing the kittens disappearance. Pipit continues to play around, Bolt gently rocks Lily, and Kiera makes sure the two don't get lost. She also watches to make sure Pipit doesn't fall in the water again, and to make sure Bolt doesn't trip while he has Lily in his grasp. Being so focused on them, and then being so focused on what they're doing, no one seems to notice that Red is gone.

Kiera keeps a close eye on the two, before getting a feeling that somethings missing. She looks around, trying to think of what could be off. She checks her bag, making sure she still has everything. She checks her hat, enduring that it's still on her head. She looks in Lily's basket, making sure they still have all of her stuff. She does a headcount next. She looks at Lily, Pipit, and Bolt, before it hits her. Red's missing...

She comes to a halt, the other two stopping as well. She looks around, trying to see where Red ran off to as the other two give her a confused look, not knowing what she's doing.

Finally, after looking around, she speaks. "Has anyone seen Red?"

The other two look at each other, before looking back at her and shaking their heads no. Neither of them had paid any attention, and don't have the slightest clue where he went.

Kiera looks around some more, in a bit of a panic. "We have to find him before he gets too far..." she says, keeping her calm voice. The other two nod.

"Should we split up? We'll find him a lot faster." Bolt suggests.

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