Chapter 8: Friends Galore

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The morning was super easy to go through with barely any problems. Elena had 3/5 classes with me, which was awesome. But the class right before lunch I didn't have with her, so it was hard to find the lunchroom. After I did and got lunch, I looked beyond at all the tables. There was no way I was going to find Elena here. Suddenly I hear a "Kaytlynn! Over here!" and a hand waving in the air. I follow the hand and it lead to Elena's table.

"Hi Elena!" I say as I walk over.
"Sup Kaytlynn? Glad you found your way here from...uh...what was it?"
"French. That's right." She responded. I just stood there staring at the other people at her table. "Oh yeah! I forgot to introduce you to my friends. This is Mary." She said pointing to a girl with long black hair and side bangs to her right. She had on a One Direction shirt with acid washed jeans. To top it off, she had Marvel Vans on, close to my Converse ones.

"This is Kimmy." Elena said pointing to a girl that had dark brown hair a little past her shoulders. She had on a Death Note shirt and black skinny jeans. She had on black Vans as shoes.

"This here is Greg." she said pointing to a guy with black hair that had a fringe going to the left, covering his eye a bit. He had on a Pierce the Veil shirt and black skinny jeans. He had on white Vans for shoes. "We call him Onision."
"Onisi what what?" I asked confusingly.
"You haven't heard of Onision?!?!" Elena yelled, "Giiirrrrlll! Where have you been living? Under a rock?"
"No, in an orphanage actually."
"Oh." she said. It got quiet. Then another girl walked in breaking the silence.

"Hey, I'm Aqua. Yes, that's my name." she said. She had long blonde hair with side bangs to her right. The ends of her hair were a pretty turquoise color. She also had snakebites. Aqua was wearing a Little Mermaid shirt with white jeans. To top it off (or should I say bottom it of since they're shoes 😂😂) she had on combat boots. "Sorry I'm late. Mr. Davis held our class back for being noisy." She sat down next to Elena and I sat between them.
"I like your hat." Mary said pointing to my All Time Low SnapBack.
"And I hate your shirt." I said back, pointing to her One Direction shirt.
"Ruuuude." she said sarcastically, crossing her arms.

The rest of lunch was just talking and getting to know each other. Elena did show me Welcome to the Family by Avenged Sevenfold (Yes, I know I spelled it wrong last chapter. Please don't murder me..), which was her favorite song by them. I ended up liking it, which I felt surprised about. Other than that, nothing special happened.


At the end of the day, I got a text from Connor telling me to take the bus. He didn't want to deal with the fangirls again. So all 6 of us went on the bus. I say next to Elena, Aqua next to Kimmy, and Mary next to Onision (not the real one, JUST SAYING).

When we were almost to Elena's house. She stared to panic.
"Dude, can I come over to your place today?"
"I guess. Why?"
"My annoying aunt is at my house. I don't wanna go there."
I laughed. "Okay. You can come."
"Yay!" she yelled as we stopped at the next stop.

A few stops later, we get to my house. A get up to the door when I saw a note that said:

Hey Kayboo! Went the the mall with the rest of the boys. Won't be too long. I told you to bring a key, hope you did! Xoxo, Connor

"What the fuck?" I say.
"What?" Elena says looking over my shoulder to read the note.
"Connor never calls me Kayboo."
"Who's Connor?"
"My dad."
"Why don't you call him dad?" she asks. I pause. I never had thought oh that.
"Well...I guess cause he's not my biological father.cI'm not used to it yet...I guess..." I trail off.
"Oh, okay. So get out your key. I can't wait to see inside. Besides, it's starting to rain."
I start searching for my key in my backpack. No luck. I check my pockets. Still no luck.
"Fuck." I mumble. I go over to the window, and sure enough, the key was on the table.

"Fuck fuck fuckitey fuck fuck." (Done swearing there Daphine?)
"Oh no." Elena says, "Is it...?"
"On the table, inside. Yes." I say as it starts to rain, hard.
"Crap." Elena says.
"They'll be back soon. Let's just sit on the steps right here. No shelter, but we'll get inside as soon as they come back." I say. We sit down. Suddenly, I hear thunder.


"AHHHHH!!!" I scream and hug Elena from the side.
"You scared of thunder or somethin'?"
"Yes." I say as a bigger crash of lightening comes.


I start to whimper, like a cold dog. I hug Elena harder and she comforts me. I start to cry a bit.
"You'll be fine. The thunder won't hurt you."
"Thanks." I mumble, smiling, leaning my head on her shoulder. I close my eyes, wishing for my family to come back.


Suddenly, in the middle of a good dream, Elena wakes me. It had stopped raining, but my clothes were still drenched and stuck to me.
"Dude, the cops are here." she says. I look up, and sure enough, 3 cop cars were surrounding the front of my house. One cop came over to us. His name tag said "Officer Folman".
"Which one of you in Kaytlynn Franta?" he asks looking at me and Elena.
"" I say standing up.
"We've got some bad news for you..."


A/N Oh dear god..please don't kill me. Terrible cliffhanger, I'm sorry. IT HAD TO HAPPEN!! Anyway, hope you enjoyed le chapter. Guess what?! Kimmy and Mary are also my friends irl, so yay! I made up Greg/Onision and Aqua though. Onision is a youtuber, but it's not the same person as in my book if you don't get that. Anywayyyyy yeah. I had a really weird dream about Dan and Phil last night. I really wanna tell ya peoples, but it's super complicated to explain. Imma try so here we go. If you don't care, simply just ignore this:

Okay so it started out in the computer lab of my old school and I was there with my class. I had longer hair like a little past my shoulders in it which was weird cause my hair doesn't even reach my shoulders. I was braiding it in a side braid when a kid in my class called me ugle like 3 or 4 times. He then called me a lesbian. I gave up and pulled my hair back in a ponytail. Somehow, I ended up in this weird road thing with like yellow walls some places (idk how to explain it) and some of my friends were with me. We looked over a wall and saw dan and phil. We freaked out. Then we saw them hug. I was like "awwww" and then Dan kissed Phil. I screamed "did you guys see that?!?!?" And Mary (yes, the same Mary in this book) was like "yessss OMG!" Then a crowd of fangirls came over and got in a line to meet them and take pics with them. We got in line and when I did, I realized I had too full of storage to take a pic. So I opened snapchat. Phil somehow had disappeared so Dan took my phone and took a pic on snapchat and handed back to me. Then he was like "I wanna show you a video." It was some weird robotish video (idk haha) and I think it was like Everything wrong with or something. Then Dan was suddenly in a wedding gown (yes, a wedding gown) and was like "me and Phil got married. Should we tell the fans? I don't know if me an Phil should have a baby. We had a baby." Which makes no sense so yeah roll with it. I then was watching Dan's channel when he's like "look at mine and Phil's new baby." And he brought up a baby and showed it to the camera (btw he was still in the wedding dress) and he was like. "Sorry we couldn't pick what it did or what it looks like since it was a Sim." And I thought "ha! I knew about the baby before anyone else."

So yeah, sorry for any mess ups on grammar on that dream part. I gave up on trying lol. Sooo that was a weird dream. I wonder if it means something. Hmmmmm... Okay, anyway, goodbye!!!! So long and goodnight!

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