Chapter 7: Elena

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It had been almost 3 weeks since the kiss. Daphine hadn't said a word to me. No texts, calls, skypes, nothing. She hadn't even been active on social media. I was starting to worry about her.

I wonder what it's like to be in love with your best friend. It must hurt. Knowing they might never love you back would be worse. I've never been in this situation, I never knew how hard it would be. Until I met Daphine. She was brave to tell me like that, and I just turned her down. I would have this guilt in me...forever.


Beep beep beep beep

Goes my phone, again. I look at it. 6:30 AM?!?! Why?!? Who set my alarm? It's not like I was going to school or anything...

I walk across to Connor's room, and he's not there. I start to panic (at the disco). I rush over to Jc's room and find him fast asleep. I go over to him and start to shake him.
"Jc? Wake up!"
He turns over, "Huh...oh Kaytlynn...what to you need?" He says sleepily.
"Where's Connor?"
"I dunno...ask Trevor..." He says dozing off.
"Trevor doesn't live here. Only you Kian, Connor, and Ricky! Ugh!" I sigh.

I go over to Ricky's room.
"Wha..?" He's a very light sleeper, so he was easy to wake up.
"Do you know where Connor is?"
"Uhh...probably downstairs getting ready to take you to school."
"School?!?" I yell causing Ricky to cover his ears.
"Yeah...check the kitchen..." He moans turning over. I then nearly run downstairs to find Connor brewing coffee.

"Connor?!? What the fuck?!? Why didn't you tell me I was going to school?!?" I yell.
"Shhhh. You'll wake the guys up." He grabs a mug of coffee and gives it to me. "Coffee?"
I take it. "Why though? I don't wanna go to school!"
Connor laughs grabbing the milk to pour in his coffee.
"What's so funny?" I ask sternly.
"You have to go to school silly. You need to learn."
"Why didn't you tell me?" I ask taking the milk.
"Because I knew you would flip out and kill me." He says pouring in sugar. I open my mouth to say something, but I can't think of anything. He was right. "We'll leave at 7:40. School starts at 8. Chop chop." He says sitting down with his phone. I roll my eyes and get out a pan to make scrambled eggs.

After I eat, I get ready. I shower without washing my hair. Then I put on a navy blue shirt that has Mario grabbing one of the Mario stars on it and some black skinny jeans. I fix my hair a bit and put on an All Time Low SnapBack. I finish it with Marvel Converses and a TARDIS necklace. I put on a few random bracelets to cover up my scars, and I am set to go.

I go downstairs and realize it's 7:38. I wait by the door for Connor, and at 7:41, he comes down and walks me to his car.


He parks next to the school at 7:49.
"Have fun at school! I'll be back at 3:00 to pick you up. Make new friends and..."
I cut him off. "You sound like my father. I got this."
"I am your father."
"My biological father. Now goodbye." I say getting out and closing the door. I walk away from the car and wave to Connor. As I do, at least 20 fangirls run up to his car,
"I'm you're biggest fan!"
"I'm bigger!"
"That's what she said!"
"HAVE MY BABIES!" and many many more things. As I back away from his car, I run into someone and we both fall to the ground.

I land on top of her and she groans in pain. (Shut up ya nasties) I get up and help her up as well.
"Sorry." I say. I look at her. She has black hair that goes to her shoulders and a fringe that goes to her right. She has on a My Chemical Romance beanie. She's wearing black lipstick and a dog collar. She has on an Avenged Seinfeld tank on and black ripped skinny jeans. She has many bracelets on with different bands on them, and some black Vans. In my opinion, she's gorgeous.

"What are you staring at? Something on my face?" She starts feeling around on her face (that sounds wrong)
"No, no. Just...uhhh...I like your beanie." I say. That wasn't a lie. I loved My Chemical Romance.
"Thanks. I like your hat."
"Thanks. Wild crowd, huh?"
"Yeah. I wonder what that was all about."
"Hey, I haven't seen you around. You new here or something?"
"Yeah. Today's my first day."
"Oh. Neat." She says
"So...I didn't catch your name."
"Cool. I'm Kaytlynn."
"Cool. Um so I'm not normally social like this, but you're one of my people. So, want me to like show you around? Since you're new and all?"
"Thanks, that would be awesome! But what do you mean, one of your people?"
"Ya know, we like the same bands and shit."
"Oh yeah."
"You like Avenged Seinfeld?"
"Never have listened to them."
"Oh my lanta!" She exclaims making me laugh, "I am showing you them at lunch!"
"Okay!" I say as we walk inside the school to start our day.


A/N HELLLLLLOOOOOOO MY PEOPLE! Please ignore that, I am sorry lol. Okay so I gape you enjoyed da chapter! This was more of a filler so yeah, wasn't as interesting as the rest. But, a Elena is actually a real person! 😱😱😱 WOW!!! SHOCKER!! Anyway, she is BandsAreEverything90 here on wattpad so I'd appreciate if you go fan her and read some of her books cause she is my wife 🙌. Okayy so yeah, byyyyeeeeeee!!!

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