Chapter 6: Daphine

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I wake up to the sound of my annoying alarm set on my phone.

Beep beep beep beep

I moan and grab my phone, turning off my alarm. 10 am?!? Why is my alarm even set? What the fuuu..? Oh yeah..Daphine's coming over I think to myself. She'll be over around 12 for lunch. I'll have to tell the guys.

I rush downstairs to tell O2L. "Hey guys?"
"Yeah." They respond all at once.
"Woah that was creepy..." I remark, " of my friends is coming over at noon."
"You never told me this. You need to tell me this stuff before you plan anything. Okay?" Connor asks. Geez. His fatherly side was showing.
"Okay, but we haven't seen each other in 3 months. We're best friends and I miss her."
"Okay she can come over. But please don't plan things without our permission first again, okay?" Connor says sternly.
"Okay Connor, promise. But there's something you should know about Daphine."
The boys all nodded.
"Go on." Trevor says
"She's a HUGE fan of you guys."
"What?!?" They all respond.
"We can't have an O2Ler in this house. She'll tell the internet and we'll have fangirls surrounding our doors." (This is, sadly, so true)
I start laughing, "O2Lers? That's your fan base name?" I laugh some more. "That sounds so ridiculous!" I laugh.
"Why don't you think of better name?" Kian responds sassily.
"Oh I will. And Daphine's not like that. I promise. She won't tell a soul."

~~~~~~~~~~~At 12:08~~~~~~~~~

Knock knock knock

I rush downstairs eagerly waiting to see Daphine. Even though it's only been 3 months, it feels like 3 years.

I open the door to see a pizza man standing there.
"You ordered a large pepperoni and large cheese pizza?"
"Yep. That's us."
"Okay, just sign here." He assays giving me a pen. As I'm signing, I notice Daphine in the background.
"Thanks ma'am. Have a good day." The delivery guy says tipping his hat.
"Bye." I say then wave to Daphine. "DAPHINE!" I yell.

She runs over and hugs me.
"KAYTLYNN! I MISSED YOU!" She hugs me tighter.
"So this must be Daphine." I hear Jc say behind me. Daphine gasps so loud, I thought for a minute she was going to faint.
"You' my god." She says gasping between each word.
"Jc. Nice to meet you." He says sticking out his hand. She let's go from our hug and hugs him.
"I'm a huge fan!" She exclaims and I chuckle a bit.
"Come on inside." Jc says. He takes her hand. "Welcome to the O2L house." He says.

"Holy cow it's bigger on the inside!" She exclaims.
"I thought that was the TARDIS." Ricky says popping out of the next room.
"I mean...bigger...then through...the screen...hi Ricky..." She says running over to hug him. He hugs back, embracing a nice, long, hug. Then Trevor walks downstairs with Kian.
"I smell pizza!" He says. Daphine freaks out. "OH MY GOSH! HOLY FUCK!" She says running over to hug Trevor and Kian. Daphine NEVER swears, so she must be pretty excited.

Daphine soon meets the rest of the gang, and we all sit down at the table eating pizza. We talk like one big group of friends, but Daphine seems bothered by something.

Daphine's P.O.V. (Oh look, someone new)

I couldn't be more happy. I'm surrounded by my favorite people, O2L. I've DREAMED of meeting them, and it's never happened. Until today. Plus, I have my best friend with me...the DAUGHTER of O2L. And my crush...

I've always had a crush on her. Ever since I first laid my eyes on her, I couldn't take them off. Not only was she beautiful, she had an amazing personality. She was great. She's like my dream girl. But she will never love me back. I'm bi, but I'm 99% sure she's straight. She acts straight. I just wish...
"Daphine? You okay?" Kaytlynn cuts me off.
"Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine." I say with a fake smile. No. I was not fine. I had a huge crush on someone who will never love me back.


Since the whole reason I came here was to see Kaytlynn, we eventually went up to her room and just talked. It's was around 10:45 PM when I decided to tell her the truth.

"It's so nice being able to see you again." Kaytlynn says to me.
"Yeah." I respond nervously. "Sure is."
"Are you okay?" You haven't been yourself today? Wanna tell me what's up?"
"No...I'm fine."
"You're not fine. I can tell." She grabs my hand. "I'm your best friend. You can tell me anything." She says smiling.
"Okay..." I don't know how to start. " you know how I'm bi?"
"" I don't know how to put it in words. I just lean in and kiss her straight on the mouth.

Kaytlynn's P.O.V.

All the sudden, Daphine leans in and kisses me straight on the lips. (Or should I say gay on the lips? *dramatic after joke drumroll* dun dun chi...please don't murder me) I push her away.
"What the fuck?"
"Kaytlynn Penny Franta, I am in love with you. Ever since the first day I gazed into you're pierce green eyes, I fell in love." She said. I was shocked. I liked her, but not in that way.
"Um...Daphine? I don't know how to say this, but I...don't feel the same way about you. I'm straight."
"Oh...okay. Um...I'm gonna go now. I'll just ride the bus home." Her eyes started tearing up. She got up and left. What had I done?


A/N I hope you enjoyed that loooonnngg chapter! Dramatic, huh? Drammmaaaaaaa! Okay so my next chapter will be amaze balls and will include my best friend, so stay tuned! I'm sorry if I crushed you're dreams on #Kaphine (Pronounced caffeine) (Kaytlynn + Daphine)!!! So will Kaytlynn and Daphine remain friends? Or split up? More to come on that later! Byeeeee!

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