5 - Confession

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The only thing Camila wanted right now was to get home and cry. Her heart and her ego felt broken. She still couldn't believe Shawn didn't want to date her. She felt a little betrayed for the mix signals he had been sending her all this time. She was almost at home when she saw the silhouette of the last person she wanted near her right now: Lauren.

Lauren stood at her door. It looks like she was freezing.

She must have been here for a while, thought Camila before Lauren turned her sight to her.

- Camz, I'm sorry -Lauren yelled before running to Camila.

- Well, that was unexpected... -said Camila, taken aback for the sudden apology.

- My apology? I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking... I felt so annoyed when I saw that guys with you, I just wanted him out but I didn't mean to insult you... I just couldn't stand you already have a boyfriend...


- He's not... he's not my boyfriend -whispered Camila. Before she knew it, tears began to fall from her eyes in front of a stunned Lauren.

Lauren didn't know what to do. Was Camila crying because of her? Well, Lauren kind of let her with no job. Was she crying because of it? She didn't know the reason but she didn't have to, she just wanted to make Camila feel better. Without thinking, she took Camila into her arms and hugged her tight.

- I'm sorry. I'm very sorry. And I'm here for you -Lauren whispered in Camila's ear.

- He's not... Shawn's not my boyfriend and he'll never be. He... He rejected me -sobbed Camila again- I feel so humiliated and confused... and... I can't believe I'm telling you all these. You'll probably just make fun of me, maybe that's what I want because I feel worthless

- No. You're not worthless -Lauren responded. 

Was this real? That Shawn boy had just rejected Camila? Lauren didn't understand how anyone could do that to the most wonderful woman she has ever met. Who wouldn't give the world to be near Camila? And that Shawn jerk made Camila believe she was worthless. Unbelievable. Lauren lifted Camila's chin to make sure she was looking directly into her eye

- Camila, look at me. You're not worthless. You are everything. Did you hear me? You are everything.

- Lauren, you don't have to lie...

- I'm not lying... you are everything. You are everything to me and I'm not playing games this time, I don't wanna lose you, so I'll be honest with you right now. It's not a joke, it's not a lie: I'm crazy about you. I've been in love with you since we were at high school and I'm still in love with you.

Lauren spoke with a serious and passionate voice. Camila couldn't tell if she was acting or telling the truth.

- I get you don't believe me and maybe it's not the best idea to confess my feelings the same day I got you fired and you got rejected for somebody else, but I can't let you finish this day without knowing somebody here is head over heels for you. I'm absolutely in love with you...

- But we haven't seen each other in years and you never...

- I only tried to annoy you because I wanted your attention. I know it wasn't the healthiest or more mature way to act, but I was young. I'm sorry, Camz. 

- You get it's hard to believe that you...

- I'll do anything to prove it to you... just, get out with me, date me. Be my girlfriend?

- Lauren, it's too much for a day...

- Oh, right. You must be tired... I'll let you go home. Just, think about it, please?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13 ⏰

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