2 - Memories

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Camila woke up very confused. Where was she? What happened? She only could remember Lauren...

- Hey, you woke up, Camila. Are you feeling better?

That's when Camila realized she wasn't alone in that hospital room, she was in front of the famous Normani Kordei, Lauren's manager and best friend.

- I'm fine... where... where's Lauren? -asked Camila still confused.

- Oh... she had to deal with some stuff, but she asked me to take care of you meanwhile and... I'm Normani, by the way, nice to meet you.

- I think anyone knows who you are -said Camila giggling nervously.

- Well, anyone who cares for Lauren knows who you are, so... -Normani replied with a smirk on her face.

- What do you mean?

- That's not my place to say, Mila. Can I call you Mila? -asked Normani. Camila just nodded- Great! Mila! Let's just say Lauren was really hoping to see you again...

- What for? To continue making fun of me?

- Sweetie, I know Lauren can be a pain in the ass sometimes, but she's a good person and believe me: she cares about you. You'd have to seen her when you fainted. She was very worried... I'm gonna call her now -said Normani before leaving the room.

Did Lauren care about her? Normani's words seem to be genuine, but it was hard to believe when it implied Lauren Jauregui, the girl that enjoyed making fun of her all the time. But Camila couldn't be lost in her thoughts for a long time. The doctor came to see her and explained what had happened. It was a fact she wasn't eating well and the breakdown was inevitable after eating nothing that day and with the cold she had to endure outside Lauren's house. 

-  Anemia can be a big deal, Mila. You need to change your diet. We can wait for Lauren and go to take dinner if you...

- No, I can't. I mean, thank you Normani, but...

- Mani, you can call me Mani.

- Ok, Mani. I'm sorry but I must go home. My little sister's waiting for me...

- We could pick her up.

- I really appreciate it, Mani, but the doctor said I could go now and I really should get home. Sofi must be wondering where I am.

- Okay, Mila. I won't force you to do something you don't want, but promise me you'll follow the doctor's directions, please

- I promise -smiled Camila.

- Great! At least let me take you home. Lauren's gonna kill me if she knows I let you go on yourself.

- A ride doesn't sound bad.

- It's a deal!

Normani was very kind, thought Camila during the ride. They talked as if they known each other since ever. Camila wondered how someone so nice could be Lauren's best friend. At her point, you could say Lauren was still a jerk playing the badass.

- I can see you're not my best friend's big fan, but you were looking for her

- It was just business. They really want Lauren in the documentary. I guess I thought that I could convince Lauren for a moment. I mean, we know each other for a long time, but I was wrong. She's never gonna change.

- I met Lauren in college. She can be difficult, I know. How was she at school?

- An asshole

- How so? Any story to tell? We have a whole ride...

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