4 - The lost

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(A/N): I'm sorry for any gramatical or spelling mistake. English's not my first language, but I'm trying to get better

- I can't believe they're making me do this -complained Camila, crossing her arms.

- I'm on your side, Mila. I don't like you there with that Jauregui girl but work's work -said Shawn trying to hide his jealousy, 'cause a jealous scene was the last thing Camila needed now.
- I know. I can't risk my job and that's why I'm going but... I hate her.
- You don't hate her -laughed Shawn.
- Yes I do.
- You don't. You're to kind to hate someone, Mila. That's one of the many many things I like about you -said Shawn smiling.

That was Shawn, always calm and sweet. When Camila was upset or annoyed, he always managed to cheer her up.

- Well, Mila, we're here.
- Thanks for driving me, Shawn. Thanks for coming with me, too.
- Hey, I'm happy to help -said Shawn before going out to open Camila's door -And to be honest I couldn't be quiet knowing you're going to be with Jauregui for hours without me around to defend you... I mean... in case she tries something weird.
- Oh!! My hero! -laughed Camila, hugging Shawn.
- Anything for my babe
- Babe? That's new -smirked Camila.
- I... I mean...
- Stop blushing, Shawn. I liked it, babe.
You won't let it go, eh.
- Of course not -said Camila intertwining their hands before walking to Lauren's home.


- They're here, Laur! -yelled Normani- Are you ready?
- Yes. The whole team? Is Ca...?

- Yep, Camila's here.
- Great, I like it when people follows instructions.
- I won't tell you anything about it 'cause I'm happy you accepted to film this project.
- I'm only doing it to see Camila.
- I know. She's nice. I can see what made you fall for her.
- You don't have any idea... She's just different, you know? 

- Oh, I know. She's not your fan tho.

- Well, it doesn't surprise me. She's smart and I'm an asshole. 
- At least you admit it.
- Of course I do, but I'll do my best to make her fall for me. If I have to change, I'll try to change.
- So whipped... just come with me to the living room. We don't want to make your girl wait, do we?

Lauren didn't want Camila to wait for her and she didn't want to wait anymore. She'd already waited so much to see her again. This time Camila wasn't going to any place. This time they could make it work, or that's what Lauren was thinking before seeing Camila with that guy. Who was he? Why were they holding hands? Was he her boyfriend? No way, no...

- Good morning, Miss Jauregui. Please, sit so we can start -said the director.
- Of course -replied Lauren without taking her eyes from Camila, who left Shawn to get ready for the interview.
- Alright, we heard you wanted Miss Cabello to make the interview so here she is -continued the director- If you don't feel comfortable with anything, please tell us. And if...

- Good morning, Camz -said Lauren without paying attention to the director, who frowned upon being interrumpted.
- Good morning, Miss Jauregui -replied Camila while sitting in her place.
- Call me by my name.
- Good morning, Lauren.
- That's better -smiled Lauren- we can start now.
- Ok. First of all it's important to understand why we want to make this documentary. We want to provide young people a positive vision of the world, to inspire them to make their dreams come true -explained Camila- So, our questions will try to make you tell us your story, how you worked hard to be where you are and...
- Who's that guy? -interrupted Lauren pointing on Shawn.
- That's not what we're talking about, Lauren.
- I wanna know... is he your boyfriend?
- I'm sorry but that's not the point here.
- Director, I don't feel comfortable -said Lauren standing up.
- You don't feel comfortable with the plot or...? -asked the director.
- No, I understand what Camila was saying about the documentary and I'm ok with that. But I don't feel comfortable with Cabello's boyfriend here -replied Lauren, walking to Shawn's direction- I want him out.
- Do you have a problem with me, Miss Jauregui? -asked Shawn trying not to sound too impolite.
- Shawn, please, don't tell her anything -whispered Camila who had run as quick as possible to be next to Shawn and try to avoid any trouble.
- I don't think it's professional to bring your boyfriend to work, Camz. I want him out.
- He's not my boyfriend, he's a friend -replied Camila, rolling her eyes- Can we go back to work please?
- No. Maybe he's not your boyfriend but he wants to be your boyfriend and I don't feel comfortable with that. I want him out!! Or I'm not doing anything!
- Laur, are you kidding me? -laughed Camila exasperated.

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