3 - Captain Dinah

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(A/N): I'm sorry for any gramatical or spelling mistake. English's not my first language, but I'm trying to get better

Dinah was trying to entertain Sofie, who wanted to go and get Camila inside the apartment.

- Gosh, Sofie, you were easier when you were little -complained Dinah

- I don't like Kaki with that Lauren Jauregui

- You're a kid, you don't understand

- I'm fifteen!! I'm not a kid anymore and I know enough

- Why don't you want Mila to work with Lauren?

- 'Cause Kaki's always liked Lauren and if they work together, I'm sure my sister's gonna fall for Lauren again and...

- Chill out there!! How do you know Mila's always liked Lauren?

- Well... ok, don't tell Kaki but when I was younger, I may have or have not read her diary...

- You little...!

- I know, ok? She really liked Lauren. Before you and Lauren started dating, Kaki was going to tell her... but then you tell Kaki you also liked Lauren, so...

- Mila stepped aside -completed Dinah surprised- and she didn't say anything

- Yeah... she was really sad when you two started dating, but she didn't say a word

- That stupid Chancho... if she had told me, i could have stepped aside...

- Kaki knew how to pretend she didn't care, but she cared

- Now I feel bad... I mean Lauren and I were just dating 'cause of our popularity. When we broke up, I was annoyed and crying only 'cause that bitch didn't even tell me why but now I see I actually didn't care... You know what's funny?

- What?

- After Lauren and I broke up, Lauren started to mess with Mila and I knew Lauren was falling for Mila. I didn't feel jealous, I felt sorry for Lauren 'cause I thought Mila didn't like her. Well, at first, 'cause then I began to suspect. I mean glances don't lie and Camren's always looked at each other in a very not friendly way

- Camren?

- Camila and Lauren, obviously!

- Well I won't let it happen! Lauren doesn't deserve my sister!

- Sofi, don't do anything stupid!! It's not of our business!!

- I won't interrupt their chatting, ok? But I'm gonna call Shawn!!

- Shawn? Why...?

- He's almost like a boyfriend to Kaki. He has the right to know

- To know what?

- That Lauren wants to steal my sister

- You're over reacting!

- You weren't there when Kaki didn't stop crying 'cause Lauren was making fun of her or when she made her pretend to be her girlfriend just to get out of a date...

- Laur was young and stupid. I talked to her back then, I tried to make her promise me not to mess with Mila anymore and she said she couldn't 'cause that was "the only way to keep being close to Camz"

- You told my sister that?

- I told her Ralph was head over heels for her but you know Mila, she didn't believe me

- I don't know... Now that she's famous I'm sure her intentions can't be good. Why my sister?

- The heart wants what it wants... You should leave your sis decide about it. But I'm telling you, Laur is a good person

- I don't trust her

- Kid... I'm gonna tell you something but promise me you won't interrupt and you won't say anything to Camila, ok?

Sofie nodded

- Alright. Now I know it's hard to you to talk about your dad but it's something that may change your point of view. When your dad died and you all had to move away, Lauren was the one who organized your dad's funeral in the neighborhood. She asked for Mila every week, but your sister didn't want me to tell anyone where you've gone. And your sister doesn't know this but when Laur heard you were having difficulties, she held a fair at her mom's restaurant to send money to you guys. Laur didn't have much then but she wanted to help your sister. Imagine now... I'm sure she'd give her the world if she could

- I... I didn't know that... -Sofie whispered

- Now you know. I'm not saying our Chancho has to be with Lauren just because of that but if she wants to give her a chance, we should be supportive

- But... Kaki likes Shawn now

- We don't know that

- Shawn's definitely in love with her

- That's a fact even Mila knows, but as I said... it's you sister decision and we...

Dinah couldn't finish her sentence 'cause Camila entered and closed the door tightly.

- That jerk!! -exclaimed Camila annoyed.

- Well, hi there -laughed Dinah- what happend?

- Lauren did something to you? -asked Sofie- 'cause I'll go and...

- No, Sof, she didn't do anything -said Camila

- That's why you're annoyed -smirked Dinah

- No!! It's just... She always manages to exasperate me!! Now she says she's doing the documentary but she wants me to be the one who makes the interviews. If not, she won't answer any question. And she wants us to start tomorrow. I've not even warned my team and that fucking Jauregui's already giving orders!! I can't handle her!!

- But you'd like to handle her, right? -smirked Dinah again

- Really, Dinah?! You're impossible -said Camila before walking to her room

- Where are you going? I want details!!

- I'll tell you later, China. I had a date with Shawn tomorrow, I need to call him -answered Mila before closing her bedroom's door

- I told you Shawn was like her boyfriend -sang Sofie smiling

- Shut up!! Camren's endgame!!

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