1 - Unexpected encounter

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One day before

It had been a couple of hard days for Lauren. after giving up a movie in the middle of the record, she had to deal with all the media shading her and her angry manager team. Ok, she had a bad temper, maybe it wasn't the best moment to quit or the best way to do it either but she didn't want to be in that movie anymore. It was a lost of time and to be honest she doesn't really care if people hate her for it, although her manager thought completely different. 

- I get it, Mani, but I don't wanna argue anymore, ok? Just let me...

- No, Lauren! You don't get it, right? There's a contract, they could demand you!!

- Whatever... I don't care...

- Damn it! You can be so stubborn sometimes, Laur. It's not only you!! You're getting all of us in trouble, you... Wait!! where are you going?

- I'm tired of this. I won't be in the movie and that's all, ok? I'm going home -said Lauren picking her stuff before going out despite Normani's yelling.

Of course Normani couldn't understand her decision, nobody could. It could sound just like willful but she really had her reasons for quitting that damn movie. Obviously something she didn't want to share yet. Lauren drove home and fell asleep until the phone woke her up. It was Normani again. Apparently the movie subject had settled with money, what worried her best friend now was Lauren's reputation.

- As your best friend I just wanna kick your ass for making me this, Laur... And as manager I already looked for some outs. 

- If my fans really support me they won't leave me just because I quit that movie... I don't see the point

- Lauren, I love you but not anybody appreciate your savage honesty. You must learn how to control your temper

- I don't have time for that, Mani

- Please, just consider it, ok? There's this documentary they want you to appear in...

- No, I don't want to

- You don't even know what it's about... you know what? there's no point to argue again.  I'll send you all the information and you answer me later, ok?

- Whatever, my answer'll be the same -said Lauren before hanging up the phone.

The next day Lauren just wanted to enjoy her day off, but of course the world was against her. The bell kept ringing. Maybe she should have listened to Normani when she told her to hire a butler, but Lauren liked to live alone. With a person who came to clean her house once a week was enough. After what happened it could only be her manager team or journalist and Lauren didn't want to deal with all that drama, so she just took one of her cars and went out the other door. She was in her way to the beach when Mani started calling her.

- What now, Mani?

- Where are you, spoiled brat?

- Let's just say I'm enjoying my freedom

- So, you didn't see her?

- Who?

- They call me from the documentary I told you about yesterday. It seems there's a girl who says she can convince you to accept and she went to see you today

- So she was the one ringing the bell, I didn't answer

- I knew you were going to do something like that -said Normani laughing- poor girl, she must be still at your door

- That's her problem

- But please, Laur, just think about it. It's the last time I'm asking you, ok?

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