At the Worst Time Possible

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Today is a special day in the Answer Department. All answer teams have to take a series of tests to see if they are still fit enough to stay in the team. Luckily. 352b has already prepared for this and know that they will be fine. Everyone except Brianna.

Because she is not a native speaker, she must take a fluency test to prove that her English is good enough so she can stay on the team and she is very stressed about it, and the big day is tomorrow. Today, before work starts, Bentley is doing a role call to make sure everyone is here before the day comes.

"Baylin, present." He said, "And so is Blake, Becca, and...wait where's Brianna?"

"Right here..." Said a weak girl slugging behind everyone.

"Bri-Brianna!? Are you sick?" Said Bentley alarmed

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"Bri-Brianna!? Are you sick?" Said Bentley alarmed."

"Yeah..." She said.

"Then what are you doing? Go home!" Said Blake.

"I can't." Brianna said. "It's a few days away from the big test. If I take it late there's a penalty 20% off so the maximum score I can get is an 80 and I need an 80 to pass! That means I have to get every single thing right! That's too high of a statistic for me." She said unhappy.

"Oh...Bri." Becca said sadly.

Becca wanted to hug Brianna but instead blew her a kind kiss to let her know she's not alone.

"Thanks Becca." Brianna said. "Before work, I took some cough drops and had a bit of chicken soup. As long as I wear this mask and you guys cover for me, I'll be in good enough condition to take the test."

"No Brianna." Bentley said, "There's no way in good conscience we can do that. Go home, please." Bentley begged.

"Okay, if you say so." Brianna said saddened.

"Don't worry Brianna, we'll be here after work to nurse you back to health!" Said Baylin.

"Thank you so much!" Brianna said happy. "Oh! I better call home sick then so Hap won't be suspicious."

"I got this." Said Bentley. "Just go home and take a nap."

"Alright! I'll get out of here before anyone get's suspicious."

352b waved goodbye to Brianna but unfortunately had no choice but to get back to work. By lunch, they were able to regroup.

Baylin started the conversation first. "Guys, how sick do you think she is?" She said concerned.

"Hopefully just the common cold." Said Blake.

"What if it's something worse?" Said Becca scared. "Brianna's so fragile, she can get any illness so easily.

"Its best we don't think of that Brianna." Said Bentley wisely. "We should just help take care of her."

"Alright..." Said a worried Becca.

"How's this? If we take care of her today and we visit her tomorrow and she still looks bad, then we'll take her to the doctor."

"It's a deal." Said Blake holding out his hand. "And after work today, we'll go shopping for some tools to help our patient."

"Also a deal!" Said Bentley, clasping his hands with Blake.

Baylin and Becca put their hands over the boy's and smiled.

"So after work, operation Brianna is in action!"

"Yes, it is." Said Bentley.

The team all let go momentarily after that

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The team all let go momentarily after that.

"Man, without Brianna here, it's like a whole part of the team is gone..." Sighed Blake.

"It takes me back to the day when there was just four of us." Baylin said downcast.

"What is she fails?" Becca said mortified. "What is we'll never see her again?" She said with tears in her eyes.

"She will pass this test." Baylin said determined. "Her English is so much better then it ever was. She'll be okay. Trust me."

Becca wiped her tears. "Okay." She said through a whisper.

"Come here Becca." Baylin said embracing her. Bentley and Blake joined in on Becca's hug which made Becca feel much better.

"Can you...let go now?" She said happy.

The team all fulfilled her request in a second. They knew Becca get's embarrassed when she's given so much love. Wiping the last tear to fall out her face, she said.

"We are going to get Brianna better before the test, no matter what."

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