How to Help a Friend?

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"How should we decide what to get?" Asked Becca, as she approached a Target.

"I checked google." Said Bentley, "It's important to get a sick person a Thermometer, Liquids, Vitamin C, some Tea, maybe something sweet, and most importantly, soup!

"Ooh! I can make some curry!" Said Baylin. "Nothing ever made me feel better than my mom's Japanese Chicken curry! It healed me up in an instant!"

"And I think we got a Tea set at some." Said Bentley. "I think Green Tea works!"

"And we also have Vitamin C at home too!" Said Becca happy. "And a Thermometer!"

"Maybe, we should just go home quickly and pick up the things Brianna would need to get better!" Said a happy Bentley.

"How about a treat for poor Bri though? We know she has it rough." Suggested Becca.

"Alright, we can make a gift basket for her." Said Bentley. "Let's make this quick though, Brianna is waiting!"

"Yes sir!" Said Bay, Blake, and Becca.

"I'll get the Basket, and the rest of you can decide on what else to get her!" Bentley smiled.

"Alright!" Said Bay determined. "And whatever we do, don't stray from the path! Not even if things are on sale!"

"Wow! You're a cruel woman Baylin." Said Becca jokingly.

Bay ruffled Becca's hair and dragged her along down the aisles, only for her to stop confused.

"Wait, what should we get her." She said dumbfounded.

"How about a gift card?" Blake suggested. "Brianna always says that she has to save up for things so we could get her a gift card to make sure that she can instantly buy the things she needs!" 

"Good idea!" Said Bay.

"Great Idea cuz!" Becca said, hugging Blake. "Let's make it a hundred dollars!

"Yes!" Said Blake. "I'll pay for it!" He said happy.

"Okay!" The girls said.

At the cash register, when Blake was paying for it, Becca's head turned and and she moved in that direction.

"Becca, where are you going?" Asked Blake concerned. 

"Look!" Said Becca. "A stuffed animal! It'll be perfect for Bri!" 

"I like it!" Bay squealed. "She's so cute too! Let's get it!" She smiled. 

"What's that?" Asked Blake walking to them after paying for the card.

"A plushie! Let's give it to Brianna!"

"I like it!" Said Blake. "I trust that you'll be able to buy it!" He smiled.

"Okay," She pouted.

Baylin pat her shoulder, "It's for Brianna." She said kind.

"Yeah, it is." She smiled. 

"I'm going to get her something too. I'll be right back."

When Baylin was back, she held out 3 sugar free king sized candy bars and bought them for Bri.

"Alright," Becca said, "So all we have to do now is wait for Bentley." She smiled.

"And not look at anything else here!" Bay said.

"Y'know, I know what people say about target, but I'm not really seeing it to be honest." Blake said. 

"You do have a one track mind when you're shopping Blake." Becca smiled.

"Well what can I say? I walk in, get what I need and walk out."

"You sure do!" Baylin smiled at him.

Blake poked Baylin's nose which caused her to sneeze on accident. Looking at Blake embarrassed, they all began to laugh together until Bentley arrived.

"I got the basket ya'll!" He winked, holding up a brown basket with a bow. "What did you guys get?" He asked. 

"A 100 dollar gift card so she can buy whatever she pleases!" Blake said.

"A plushie so she won't feel lonely." Becca said.

"3 king sized candy bars what are sugar free so she can get the sweet treats she needs!"

"I love the ideas!" Bentley smiled. "Let's put them in the basket and head to our houses to get Bri's other presents. 

"Okay!" Said Becca happy. Once she finished constructing the gift, Blake drove everyone around to pick up the other items and then drove to Bri's home. On the way, Becca started to feel melancholy.

"Hey guys..I feel a little bad that Brianna has to live to like this."

"What do you mean?" Asked Blake.

"Well, she lives alone in these apartments while we go home to houses, she sleeps on a bunk bed and we have these nice comfortable one beds, and she has to save for everything while we can just go and purchase whatever on the whim! It just feels a little unfair you know?"

"Yeah, we know Becca." Sad Bentley. "But Brianna has asked us not to bring attention to that. She always says that she's very happy and enjoys her living conditions and knows that she's always welcome in all our houses." Bentley assured her.

"She also said that if she ever needs anything that she can't afford to save for, we got her." Added Baylin.

"Okay.." Said Becca

"We all love your kindness Becca, but Brianna really doesn't want that, she'd much rather work for her things herself but always knows that she can ask us if she needs anything."

Becca smiled at that. "Okay guys! Geez!" She giggled. "Thanks for making me feel better." She said.

"No problem Becca." Said everyone.

As Blake pulled up to her apartment, Becca calmly said to them all. 

"If I know one thing for sure, one of these days she'll be living with us for good." 

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