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Ever since Brianna came home, she has been only resting and sleeping. She has a love hate relationship with days alone in her home but one thing is sure, time does not pass there. SO imagine her shock when she suddenly woke up t hear a knock on the door. While she was confused, she instantly knew who that could be. Smiling, she opened the door to find,

 Smiling, she opened the door to find,

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"Oh! Thank you guys!" She smiled. Here! Come in!

Once Brianna led everybody into the living room, they all put on masks and sat down with her as she unraveled her presents. 

"So let's see what we got." She smiled. "First, this lovely basket,"

"That's from me!" Bentley smiled.

"I see," Brianna smiled. "You all pitched in to get me something."

"I got-"

"No no no!" Brianna interrupted Becca. "Let me guess!" She said mischievous. 

Baylin, Blake, Bentley, and Becca all looked at each other snickering.

"So let's see, some candy bars, that's from you right Becca, cause you always try to give me sweets?"


"What?" She said shocked. "Well, I'll just find out through process of elimination." She said calm.

"Did you get me the teddy bear Bay?"

"Nope!" She said shaking her head.

"What!?" She said surprised, "But I could've sworn...never mind. Were you the one who bought me the 100 dollar target gift card Becca?"

"Mm-mm." She said happy.

"Huh!?" She said shocked. "I give up, just tell me who got me what." She said exhausted.

"Gladly!" Said Becca!" "I got you the teddy bear, Bay got the candy and brought the teaset, Blake brought the Vitamin C and Target gift card, and Bentley bought the basket!

"Wow! I never could've guessed that you of all people gifted me a teddy bear. I could've sworn that be a Bay thing."

"Well, we can all be different." Becca smiled embarrassed. 

"Well thank you! This is very kind!"

"No problem!" Becca smiled. "I also brought this guy with me too!"

"Your Blake doll?" Bri said shocked.

"He's all yours's until your better! Just don't get him ill!" She advised.

"Yes ma'm!" She said. "And thanks for the thermometer Bentley! I can see how I'm doing now!"

She took her temperature quickly and sighed. "101 farenheight." She pouted.

"Never fear!" Baylin smiled. "I'm going to make my mom's chicken curry! It's guaranteed to make you feel better!"

"I hope so!" She said happy.

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