Marks for Effort

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Brianna rose the next day full of energy and happiness, she checked her temperature that gave a glowing 98 degrees. She was elated and got ready for work in a second. When she came to the office she forgot that they were meeting in the waiting area for the tests that day and sprinted over. Thanks to her treatment from the previous day, she wasn't tired when she got there and thanked everyone for nursing her back to health. They said it was no problem and saw 341b there studying up. They wanted to go say hi but didn't want to interrupt their studying so they sat together and quietly whispered until they were called.

"Now testing, 352b, each member come to the designated  test area for your assessments. Good luck!" 

Before the 352b members entered the test area, they all put their hands together and embraced each other into a hug. 

"Good luck!" Said Bay.

"Don't run out of energy!" Advised Blake.

"You all got this!" Said Becca.

"We know that!" Smiled Bentley.

"I can do this!" Said Brianna perky.

"You can do this!" Said the team.

"Thanks!" She said. "Let's do this."

5 Hours Later...

"Whew! We did it!" Smiled Bentley as he hugged Baylin, Blake, and Becca. They were all high fiving each other because they just got their results and learned that they each passed their tests.

"I hope Brianna passed it though." Said Bay.

"I know she passed it!" Grinned Becca.

Blake and Bentley gigged and noogied Becca. Suddenly, Brianna opened her door, she looked depressed.

"Oh no!" Baylin exclaimed. "You didn't pass did you?"

"No..." Brianna said.

"No!" Becca said crying. The four were all devastated.

"I aced it!" Brianna said perky.

"What!?" Said Becca.

"I got everything right! Not a single question wrong!" 

"That's amazing Bri! I'm so proud of you!" Blake said hugging her.

"We all are!" Said Bentley. 

"Let's have a celebratory meal at my place! We're going to celebrate this in style!" Cheered Becca.

"That sounds great Becca, but I think I would just like a quiet meal and a small activity. How about a relaxing pho dinner?" Bri suggested.

"Alright. We can do that." Becca smiled.

Once the five of them left the testing area, they each migrated over to a quiet pho place just like Bri imagined. When they all finished their meal, they went to Bentley's house and talked in his basement.

While Brianna had a lot of fun that night, she took the whole experience as a lesson that she should learn to believe in herself.

The End

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