Private Company Files

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   Sorna Files (File 1998)
these files will have future updates depending on events occurring on the island.

I. 1982:——————————
**Isla Sorna was bought by John Parker Hammond in the interest of making it the industrial center of his long running company "International Genetics Corporation" ("InGen Corp." in short).
*InGen starts importing a large number of automated gene sequencers and Cray XMP supercomputers with multiple coolants and freezer cabinets, incubators to install in Site-B. This attracts the attention of many people. While most ignored this, others started speculating and conspiracy theorists stated that Isla Sorna was conducting experiments to clone aliens, and extraterrestrial creatures.

II. 1985: ——————————
**InGen recreates the first dinosaur to walk the earth in the modern age, the Albertosaurus. Having a short stature and a small, odd skin infection, it lived till 1992 with a normal life in site-b where it was studied and new methods would be discovered to make and produce dinosaur DNA and ultimately, dinosaur individuals.

III. 1989: ——————————
*The first InGen Lab & Biotech Facility was built in the North west region of Isla Sorna.
** Isla Sorna had been under court stress as unpatented GMOs were reported to the Costa Rican government from some insiders which made InGen and Hammond patent the dinosaurs and collect all the legal papers before any investigation and inspection of the island by Costa Rican officials was done.
* The insider who reported the unpatented GMOs turned out to be 32 year old Jester Warlock who had promotion and salary problems with InGen and decided to go against the Non-disclosure agreement and report private information about the company to the government leading in InGen suing the man in court and leaving him in rags.
*InGen build the "Burroughs" worker village in the mid-west of the island. Being the first of the 3 other worker-villages on the island.

IV: 1993——————————
*InGen had successfully sequenced its genome for Quetzalcoatlus Northropi using r-DNA technology in its new 1993 biotech facility in the far west region of the island.
***InGen employees and workers had to officially flee the island as Hurricane Clarissa destroyed buildings, communication, transport and security, leaving the island isolated and lost in its own debris.

V. 1997——————————
*Dr. Ian Malcolm and Sarah Harding with their crew came to the island through Hammond's reference to document the creatures in the abandoned landmass and encourage a "Policy of non-interference" against his nephew Ludlow taking up InGen during its bankruptcy. Unfortunately, Ludlow and his team at the same time landed on the island to catch dinosaurs of specific species to transport them to a Jurassic Park in San Diego following extremely unethical practices and rules like brawls and races. This leads to a Tyrannosaurus outbreak in San Diego causing death of hundreds of civilians.
*This encounter led to the passage of the "Gene Guard Act 1997" to prevent scientists from further cloning of dinosaurs or prehistoric creatures from fossils.
*John Hammond gave a powerful speech on live television announcing that InGen would be officially restricting access to the island after the realisation that dinosaurs and humans could never co-exist.

VI. 1998——————————
*InGen was officially bought by Masrani Global, saving it from loss and debt. Providing the biotech company more resources to secure these dinosaurs in these islands.
*Certain InGen scientists covertly started underground illegal operations in Isla Sorna under the guidance of Dr. Henry Wu as a part of the "Amalgam Testing" mixing different dinosaur DNA together to create hybrids, more efficient and better quality GMO dinosaurs for "future project inspiration".
*BioSyn Genetics was in legal battle for being caught running illegal genetic operations in a private island using InGen's private resources.
*Multiple passengers including Business Manager Anne Marshall crashed on the island on their way to California from Costa Rica. On her journey, she found multiple decaying corpses and bones of different people with armed weapons and vehicles. Creeping into one of the building's tunnels, she found the corpse of Harold Greenwood, an ex-InGen employee. She went back to the mainland and reported her findings.
* InGen had passed through 4 such lawsuits without having to pay any penalty due to their legal wins, even though in one of the cases where they lost, had to give out $730,000 due to the death of Harold Greenwood and his family suing the company.

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