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17 plus one

I wanna leave all of you
I'm going home and don't you bother text me

What's wrong?

We have schedules
You can't leave like that

Let him speak

Was it Hoshi?

He's with me
I don't think he did anything

With Seungkwan it could be because Hoshi isn't with him

Am I that important?

If you were here I would slap you for that

It was me

What happened?

Wanna his version or mine?

There's just one version

I want to know both

Just breathe and tells us

I was home watching the finals of volleyball in my room, peacefully
The tall man who has two left foot, came to my room and broke my TV!

Add that I was there because I made food for you
And I tripped because you had the room all messy
Why did you have your charger at the floor?!

That was me sorry
Did you broke that too?

Not the point!
I can't live with him
I'm going

You're not going anywhere
And that's it

Ugh so rude
Is Areum away or something?

This conversation is over
Go buy a new tv
Mingyu will buy it

I guess that's fair

Or something....


What did he do?

She's probably working

Or Scoups fucked up
Or maybe she fucked up....

Scoups  sat in his room, his mind miles away from the lyrics he should be working on.

He couldn't stop thinking about the fight.

Jeonghan and Joshua passed by his door and saw him, they exchanged glances, noticing his distraction.

Finally, Jeonghan decided to speak up.

"Hey, you okay?" Jeonghan asked, nudging him slightly. "What happened with Areum?"

Scoups  sighed, running a hand through his hair. "Just... dealing with some stuff."

Joshua raised an eyebrow. "Is something we can help?"

He nodded reluctantly. "No, we had a fight."

Jeonghan leaned against the wall, crossing his arms. "Do you want to talk about it?"

He hesitated at first but he needed them . "I told her I was worried about her safety with this case she's working on. Suggested she pass it to her boss. She took it the wrong way, like I didn't trust her to handle it because she's a woman"

"I can see how she might feel that way. But I also get where you're coming from. You just want her to be safe. But she's independent and she's working on a man's world still, she wants to show her worth"

"I get that," he said, frustration evident in his voice. "I didn't mean to undermine her. I just... I don't want anything to happen to her."

Jeonghan patted his shoulder "Maybe you need to explain that to her. Make her understand it's coming from a place of love and concern, not doubt."

"Yeah, but how? I tried and she sent me home"

"Just be honest. Tell her how you feel. She's smart, she'll get it."

"And maybe apologize for how you phrased it," Jeonghan added with a chuckle. "Sometimes, it's all about the delivery, you know?"

Meanwhile Areum paced back and forth in her office. She couldn't focus, couldn't think straight.

She needed a break, and she knew exactly who to turn to.

"Kitae I'm leaving" she shouted inside his office and didn't wait for a answer.

Jail free card ♥️

Areum needs you

My place

I'm coming

Then when Areum walked in Dahee place, both girls were there waiting.

"Spill it out" Dahee asked immediately, setting down her cup of tea.

Areum sighed, collapsing onto the couch. "I had a fight with Seungcheol."

Darae exchanged a look with Dahee. "Tell us everything."

After Areum told them the argument, Dahee frowned. "It sounds like he was just worried about you."

"I know, but it felt like he didn't trust me to handle it," Areum replied, her frustration evident " I get what he said but at the same time I'm mad. I don't wanna be out of the case. Like him there's gonna be a lot more"

Darae nodded. "I get that. But maybe you both just need some time to cool off and see things from each other's perspective."

"You know what? We all need a break. Let's go away for the weekend. Just the three of us." Darae said

Areum hesitated. "I don't know..."

"No arguments," Dahee said firmly. "We're going. You need it."

Before she knew it, they had packed their bags and headed to a cozy cabin a few hours away.

They didn't even let Areum pack her stuff, Dahee borrow her stuff to both of them. Just a text to Kitae and they went away.

That night, after a few too many drinks, Areum's thoughts drifted back to Scoups. She missed him terribly.

"Guys, I think I'm going to call him," she said

Dahee and Darae exchanged worried glances but nodded in support. "Do what you need to do," Darae said softly.

Areum stepped inside her room and dialed his number. He answered on the second ring.

"Areum?" His voice was a mix of surprise and concern.

"Seungcheol," she started, tears already forming. "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to overreact. I just... I miss you."

"Hey, hey, it's okay," he said gently. "I miss you too. Are you alright?"

"I just needed to hear your voice," she admitted, her words slurring slightly from the soju.

"I'm here," he reassured her. "Always."

"I don't like being mad at you."

"Me either. I know you're the best lawyer but I'm worried about you. He was threatening you...."

"I can handle it"

"Areum," he said softly, "I love you. I just want you to be safe."

"I know," she whispered. "I love you too."

Gradually, her voice grew quieter, and Scoups realized she had fallen asleep while they were talking.

Smiling to himself, he stayed on the line, listening to her soft breathing until he was sure she was soundly asleep.

Then he gently ended the call.

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