WriteREADer: Second activity (closed)

104 19 17

Okay everyone, ours second activity for the club is:

Weekly book promotion 1:

How does this work: well the writers who are members of the club will submit their books under any of the two categories listed below;
•1 book will be picked randomly from each category.

•Each book must have a minimum of 3 chapters and a maximum of 15 chapters.

The categories

-Romance (note fanfics under the romance genre can be included too).

Information needed in forms:
Name of book:
Number of chapters:
Password (fav female celeb):

Fill form here>>>>>

-Thriller (note fanfics under the thriller/ horror genre can be included too).
Information needed in form:
Name of book:
Number of chapters:
Password (fav female celeb):

Fill form here>>>>

Duties of members

•All members are expected to vote on all the chapters of the two books chosen from each of the following genres listed above.

•All members are expected to pick one book from each genre to read.

•All members are expected to give a shout-out to the book, they decide on reading.

•All members are expected to comment atleast thrice on each chapter of the book they decide to read.

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