Rise And Fall Part 7

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“Well, time to complete this boarding task.”, Alice giggled.

“Wait, before you go anywhere, there’s something I want to show you.”, Lucy said.

Down the stairs Henry went with the axe in hand, leaving the gates of Alice’s Lair. Ready to chop the strange cutouts that were tormenting him throughout the studio. But first, there’s something he needs to find.

“So where do we go?”, Alice asked.

“Go up the stairs and turn right.”, Lucy explained, “There you’ll find some boards to chop down.”

Henry walked up the stairs that led to the door to the stairway. Instead of entering, he turned right to a hallway that he didn’t really notice before. Walking down, he found a door that was boarded up. With the axe, he chopped down the boards and opened the door.

A searcher jumped out.

“Oh geez,”, Alice shouted, startled as she swung the axe down on the searcher.

Henry chopped the searcher down. After gaining some breath, he looked inside the room. It was small and there was a desk inside with books on top. Underneath it was a waste bucket. It was also covered with cobwebs.

Next to it was a chair with a record tape on it.

“Oh, now I see why you wanted us to go here, huh.”, Felix said to Lucy.

Lucy shrugged, “Enjoy the audio.”.

Henry clicked on the record.

“So he’s the accountant of the studio

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“So he’s the accountant of the studio.”, Flug commented.

“Judging from the audio log, this tape might have been done before or during the construction of the BATIM Ink Machine.”, Black Hat added.

“Other than that it seems that Joey was running the studio to bankruptcy, but why?”, Boris asked.

“He was turning the employees into our counterparts, he probably thought that in order to gain more money is to make living cartoons.”, Bendy suggested.

“That’s probably true.”, Felix said as he wrote down Bendy’s theory in his notebook.

“Ok, now to complete the task.”, Alice yelled.

Henry made up his way to Level K. Finally at the level, he looked around for any cutouts to chop up. After fighting a searcher and finding out that he couldn’t find any on the first floor, he went up the stairs heading up towards the second floor. Outside of the staircase was one of the Bendy cutouts.

“There’s one, Alice!”, Cuphead shouted.

“Oh, thanks Cuphead!”, Alice said.

Henry jumped down and swung his axe. The cutout was destroyed. He hopped back on to the staircase and continued up the stairs to the second floor. There wasn’t much there and he started to head towards the hole in the wall leading to the toy storage room. Next to the entrance was another searcher that he chopped down with ease.

Back by the machinery and heading to the storage room, Charley ran straight towards Henry, preparing to strike him down with his pipe wrench. While it did catch Henry off guard at first, he was able to fight Charley off.

“Wow, they’re coming out more than usual, huh.”, Bendy stated.

“Yeah, I guess my counterpart really doesn’t want us to succeed.”, Alice grumbled.

“Don’t worry Alice, we’ll find a way out of this with no casualties.”, Bendy said, hoping to cheer up Alice.

His eyes lit up when he saw a small smile on her face.

Henry walked around the storage room chopping up any Bendy cutouts and fighting off any searchers he encountered. Eventually he ran out of cutouts to chop. Going out of the hallway, he walked back towards the Demon Path.

“Oh, look another Bendy cutout.”, Cuphead said.

“Oh yeah, there is one.”, Alice answered.

Henry chopped the cutout in the Demon Path and walked out. He also found a cutout in the hallway leading to Heavenly Toy Workshop. There weren't any cutouts for Henry to chop through, except for a searcher. He walked down the stairs where he spotted many Bendy cutouts. 

“Man, I really need to get this game.”, Cuphead gladly muttered to himself which his brother heard as evidence by the side eye Mugman gave him.

When Henry reached the bottom, three searchers had popped up and crawled their way towards Henry. They jumped up to the former animator and struck a few hits. Henry quickly raises up his axe and swings it down on the searchers. Soon enough, they were destroyed. He then went on to destroy the Bendy cutouts. He then cut the last Bendy cutout that was leaning against a wall.

The intercom turned on, “Ah, now that was! Oh! But I forgot to mention…”, Alice started, “...he hates it when I do that. I would hide if I were you.”.

“I’m sorry what?”, Cuphead uttered.

The walls and floor were soon covered in ink. Quickly, he ran towards the miracle station in the room and closed the door behind him. Just in time too, as through the small opening, he saw the Ink Demon in the room walking in the room. After a few moments, the Ink Demon walked to a wall and disappeared.

When he was sure the Ink Demon was away, Henry walked out of the miracle station.

Everyone calmed down.

“Whew, that was a close one.”, Wilen vocalizes.

"Too close." Polly stated.

"So how do you feel about the game now, Cuphead?", Mugman asked.

"Ehh, it'll still be worth it.", Cuphead quickly answered.

An Objective popped out: “New Objective: Return To The Angel. Tip: Go Back To Level Nine.”

Henry made his way back to Level Nine. He returned the axe back to Alice in the dropbox.

“The disgusting wretches have wandered my halls, have gone unchecked!”, Alice yelled with fear, “They’re trying to drag me back to the darkness! Don’t let them take your angel!”

In the meantime, Henry was using his wreath to fight off a searcher that appeared next to him. Members of the Butcher Gangs started heading in the lair.

Alice was starting to get nervous she was able to defeat the searcher before her and started to prepare herself for the Butcher Gang's attacks.

“Purge them one by one! Smash them into puddles! Kill them!”.

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