Giovanni Gets a Little Lesson in Temper Tantrums

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Luigi yawns at the dinner table, leaning his head on one hand.

"Miracle I'm not already sleeping." He laments, then calls. "Don't worry about the dishes, Ma, I got it."

He doesn't move, then asks, "How far away am I?"

"Oh who cares about the dishes?" Mia says as she joins him. "Let Link take care of it."

"My legs have turned to jelly." Luigi complains. "Do I still have a pulse?"

"This should answer that for you." Mia says affectionately as she sets a mug in front of him.

Luigi gasps once he sees what it is, "Cioccolata calda?"

"Only the best for my figlio." Mia coos.

"I haven't tasted this since trade school." Luigi realizes, lifting it to sip.

"I just thought now that you've moved back in, it's cause for celebration." Mia says as Giovanni comes out of his office.

Luigi takes a deep sip, then moans, "God, that's so good. Delicious, Ma."

"MJ?" Giovanni says, noticing his grandson is sitting at the TV. "Dinner's over. That's when I read the paper. Alone."

When MJ doesn't move, Giovanni calls to Luigi, "Son, does my grandson not know what 'alone' means?"

"There a problem, Dad?" Luigi looks over.

"Can you tell your son I need to be alone when I read the paper?" Giovanni requests.

"Why do you need to be alone?" Luigi asks, clearly not getting something.

"Because dinner's over, and I--" Giovanni stops. "Mia, please explain to our son why I need to be alone when I read the paper."

"Just ignore him!" Mia suggests.

"I can't ignore the TV when it's on!" Giovanni disagrees.

"So turn down the volume." Luigi says.

"No, I want it off." Giovanni puts his foot down.

"Gio, it's only for one night." Mia says.

"No, I'm not gonna do that." Giovanni shakes his head. "I've developed a routine in this apartment that I happen to like quite a bit."

"He's a child!" Luigi reminds him.

"And I'm the man of this house." Giovanni quips back. "My house, my rules."

"Just read in your office!" Luigi suggests next.

"Nice try." Giovanni rejects.

"Dad, please." Luigi begs.

"The TV is turning off, and that's final." Giovanni declares, leaning down.

"Nononononono!" Luigi exclaims, rushing to stop him. "Dad, I'm serious. Don't touch it. You ever seen MJ when we tell him no more Lone Ranger? You don't want to. Take my word for it. Your ears will thank me."

"Did I not just get done saying this is my house?" Giovanni snaps.

"It won't be forever!" Luigi promises.

"You don't know that!" Giovanni points out. "Do you have a specific timeline on how long you're gonna be staying with us? For all I know you're never leaving again!"

"That won't happen!" Mia assures.

"And I am not about to spend the rest of my life making you comfortable." Giovanni tells Luigi outright. "You're a guest, therefore you're supposed to follow mine and your mother's rules."

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