So Now Luigi's the One Sinking to Rock Bottom? Interesting...

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"Alright, spill." Ian orders. "Why are you so happy?"

"She's been like this since she came in to work this morning." Ms. Santoro tells him.

"Did you get some good news?" Ian pushes.

"Okay, so I wanted to wait until I was sure." Destiny starts.

"Sure about what?"

"Jury's still out, but I really think me and Luigi are working it out." Destiny says.

"Are you serious?" Ian demands. "Thank fucking God."

"Hey, easy there." Destiny laughs.

"Amy has been insufferable." Ian tells her. "Seriously. She goes to the craziest lengths to sniff out where I've been or what I've been doing. Please can I tell her about you and Luigi?"

"Not so fast." Destiny shakes her head. "But how would y'all like to celebrate with drinks on me? You can come too, Ms. Santoro!"

"If it means I get to meet Mr. Mario, absolutely!" Ms. Santoro agrees. "Betcha he's a wonderful husband."

"He really is." Destiny nods, lighting a cigarette as everyone in her office clears out.

"No. No." She mutters to herself on a stoop, writing in a notebook.

She looks up, asking a passerby, "What's funnier, prosciutto or baloney?"

"Baloney." The passerby replies, then continues on his way.

Destiny looks down, repeating, "Baloney...", then writes it down. "He's right, that is funny. Thanks!"

She chuckles to herself, then goes back to writing.

"I seriously think she's the one." Morty tells Luigi as they all leave work for the night.

"What is with the obsession of finding the one?" Luigi wonders. "Have some fun while you still can!"

"Where are you taking her?" Victor asks.

"Dinner and a movie." Morty replies.

"What about you, Vic?" Luigi asks.

"I'm going to temple." Victor tells him. "I always have fun.", then gasps, "Look at that! Snow in New Donk! I miss snow so much!"

"So do I." Luigi agrees, looking up. "My wedding had a moody winter theme. Like Peyton Place."

"You had a WW2 themed wedding?" Victor asks in confusion. "That's a little...dark, don't you think?"

"Peyton Place takes place before and after WW2, silly." Morty pipes up.

"It was all berry tones, dimly lit venues, and lush with green and cold. It was so beautiful and made my wife's dress stand out." Luigi explains.

"What're your plans tonight, Luigi?" Morty asks to change the subject.

"Just that I've got them." Luigi says cryptically.

"Please tell me it's fun." Victor begs.

"It is." Luigi confirms. "The most fun I've had in years, actually."

"Good." Victor says. "Night like this, everyone should be having fun."

"See you later, Luigi." Morty waves goodbye as he leaves with Victor.

Luigi waves back, but stops by the Christmas themed window display as he looks up at the falling snow.

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