Damnit Luigi, That's Not What Mario Meant!

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Luigi walks into the bakery Bubbles requested to meet at, taking note of how busy it is as he walks up to a server.

"Pardon me, but I'm looking for an old Bean covered in a loincloth."

"Pervert." The server mutters and walks away.

Luigi's not sure what to do next, so he looks around the café, when he spots someone matching the description, and walks up.

"I'm sorry, are you Bubbles?"

"Are you a competitor out to steal my secret recipe for Chuckola Cola?" the Bean asks in a deadpan.

"No, sir." Luigi shakes his head.

"Then yes, I'm Bubbles!" The Bean grins. "Nice joke, isn't it?"

Luigi's not sure what to make of that, so Bubbles holds out a hand, and Luigi takes it, grateful.

"You said to look for the old Bean covered head to toe in a loincloth." He says.

"And you listened." Bubbles replies, gesturing to the seat across from him. "Please, step into my office."

Luigi nods, then comes around the wall to do just that.

"You ever frequent the Encore Café and Bakery?" Bubbles asks.

"Once, I think." Luigi admits. "I'm more of the Outdoor Café persuasion."

"Hungry?" Bubbles offers.

"Sure." Luigi nods.

"Uh excuse me?" Bubbles snaps his fingers, and when a server comes by, he orders, "Can we get a Prosciutto and Pecorino Panini, some Sicilian Arancini, a calzone, Caprese Salad, and a Pasta e Fagioli. Oh, and my usual Beanbean coffee."

"Done." The water walks away, as Bubbles looks at Luigi.

"Don't tell me. You're thinking, 'What does an old Bean like me know about Italian cuisine?'" He asks.

"More like, 'How is he gonna put that all away by himself?'" Luigi says with a chuckle.

"Now tell me." Bubbles requests. "Why did you call me?"

"I'm trying to polish up my act." Luigi explains.

"Uh oh, did you get in trouble with the missus?" Bubbles asks.

"No, I mean my comedy act." Luigi clarifies.

"Ah, another comic." Bubbles nods. "Fascinating."

"Didn't I tell you on the phone?" Luigi reminds him.

"You did." Bubbles agrees as the waiter comes by with their food. "But I thought you were joking. You know, being a comic and all."

Luigi laughs nervously, but Bubbles pays it no mind.

"I offer my services to so many aspiring comics." He tells Luigi. "I even wrote for a few talk shows! You familiar with the Great Gildersleeve?"

"I loved it!" Luigi nods.

"Isn't Willard Waterman amazing?" Bubbles says, then changes the subject. "So tell me."

"I had a set a few days ago." Luigi starts. "I talked about my new job in the haberdashery. I thought people would love it, but instead it was the first time I ever bombed. And it was horrible. I hated it."

"I don't blame you." Bubbles says sympathetically.

"I've been writing my jokes in this." Luigi pulls out his yellow joke pad. "Just a bunch of stuff I think is funny. Been doing it long before I started to pursue it as a career."

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