Part Five

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Jadis and I were texting during classes, and soon the day came to an end. As I walked out, the wind blew through my hair, and I sighed, feeling annoyed that it was only my first day.

The security guard removed my power-dampening bracelet as I leaned against the wall. My sister finally came out, and I gestured with my hand, creating a large blue circle that showed the inside of my home. Just before I could step into it, I noticed the training court.

"I forgot something, I'll be home in a minute," I told my sister as she nodded and stepped through the circle.

I made my way to the training field at the side of the school. Jadis came out of the school, and his eyes met mine.

"I'll be right back..." He said calmly before stepping over to where I was.

Suddenly, Jadis appeared in front of me with a small trail of lightning behind him. I flinched at the sudden intrusion before pushing past him slightly in annoyance. He chuckled softly as I continued to move towards the field. It was the first time I had seen him use his powers, and it was more annoying than I thought.

"Go away, Jadis. I somewhat agreed to go to that party," I said, trying to wave him off and seeming annoyed by his presence.

He picked up on that and stopped falling behind me. I kept walking until I reached the field, which looked empty until I heard mechanical things moving around underneath me. I looked back to see Jadis holding down a lever off to the side of the field.

"You might wanna move now," he mocked with a small smirk across his face.

Suddenly, the ground started shifting under me like quicksand, and I gasped slightly as I felt my body being pulled down. I tried to squirm out of it but soon stopped and took a deep breath. The guards and teachers came over quickly, and Jadis disappeared, leaving behind a bit of lightning. I tried to calm down my breathing as I kept sinking into the ground.

"Hey! What are you doing!?" the security guards yelled, taking a step towards me only to be stopped by a hand on their shoulder.

My breathing and heart rate finally slowed down to a normal pace as my pupils dilated. The ground around me stopped and slowly began rising back to normal. I kept my eyes focused on the ground until my feet were safely on the ground again.

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