Agony Part One

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|| Phantom of the Opera ||

My throat hurt. My hands hurt. My heart hurt. Christine....

My mind raced and pounded. I was so sick and tired of waiting for her. I was so tired of livng. I was so tired of dying internally every moment without her here, beside me. To hold me, to sing for me, to save me.It was over. I was over. It was time to end it all.

I wrote her a note in the hope she would come, but she wouldn't.

To whom this may concern, hopfully my sweet and darling Christine;

I'm so sorry that this had to happen, but I'm tired of this world. I'm tired of restless nights without you, Christine. I love you and I need you here with me. However, you are with Raoul Vicomte de Changy, who's hopefully treating you like I would without this cursed face.

Hopefully, by now, I am lond dead and out of suffering. Now, my sweet and darling Angel, this is not your fault, and never will be. I just can not survive here, or anywhere, anymore.

I love you, my Angel of Music. I have not used my voice since you left.

I love you,

Your Angel of Music,

The Phantom of the Opera


I stamped it quickly and set it on the desk, next to a candle.

I looked around the lair, for a place to die. Anything could work. Then, I saw it. The Punjab Lasso.

I started to shake and brought the noose to my neck. People had died this way by my hand. All I had to do was return the favor.

No, that was too easy. I removed the rope and set it down, turning towards the lake.

It was cold, harsh and exactly what I needed. I slowly submerged myself into the water, head reeling. Its almost over now, almost over. I took my last gulp of air and fell under the water. It started to fill my lungs, causing me great pain and discomfort. It was nothing, however, to the pain of this past month, or however long it had been.

I thought of Christine. My angel of music. Her soft, brown, delicate curls and her stubborn eyes and always red cheeks. And her pink lips... Oh, her lips. I missed them. I missed her. I loved her. It was all over now. All over. Well, almost.

I squeezed my eyes shut and thought to myself, So this is agony.

I felt my vision go fuzzy and I saw a flash of white. I felt my lungs start to collapse.

It was time to get what a monster deserved.


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