Love Never Dies

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I'm so sorry Bella (:

Wait no I'm not.

|| Christine Daae ||

Every one, at some point in their lives, has to experience loss. Whether it be the lost of a toy, or a blanket or even a book. Loss is a natural part of human life-it's what makes us human.

However, the loss of a loved one is one of the hardest thing one could possibly go through.

Especially when they died for you.

We sat in the hospital before the surgery, when they were just trying to stop the bleeding. He wouldn't stop talking-which was completely unusual, but we both knew that this was it.

"Christine, I love you. I love you so much and no grave can change that. Christine I'm dying, and I know that. Darling, please look at me. I need you to know that you are my reason of living. I love you so much, and I'm sorry that I couldn't have more time to prove that to you. Christine, forgive me. I killed so many people, and I led an awful life. You are the reason I am alive in this moment, even if I won't be here in the next.

"While I am gone, I will watch over you. I will send another Angel of Music. I will send so many Angels that heaven itself will be barren. Christine, I don't want you to spend your life alone. There are so many young suitors who would be lucky to have you, and I'm glad I got to hold you for one last time. I'm glad I got to hold you in the first place."

"Erik, you are not going to die. Erik you're going to live. It's too soon to say goodbye. We have a wedding that we need to finish. I need you to be my husband. We need to raise a family together. I love you so much, Erik, you can't leave me lone, you need to stay with me."

"Promise me you'll find someone else," he said, looking at me.

"Erik, it's you. It's only you."

He smiled lightly.

"Promise me you'll try."

"No, because when this is through, I won't have too. We will spend the rest of our lives together. You promised," I cried.

"Christine, I love you," he sang to me.

"Remember, love never dies, even if people do. Christine, kiss me please. One last time. I beg you."

I leaned into him and felt the fireworks for the last time.

"Mademoiselle, he needs surgery. Now," a doctor said.

"Remember," Erik said, looking at me.

"Love never dies," I whispered.

Erik died three hours after the gunshot at the wedding. I was more than heartbroken. I could never be the same. My whole head was a mess, and when I got back tot he lair I lost it.

I kept thinking he was going to come out of his music room and throw his arms around me, to protect me, but it never happened. He was gone. My Angel was dead.

I cried for days. Weeks. Months. Who really knows? Time without him is completely messed up.

I couldn't do anything. I couldn't be anything. Not a wife, or a mother, a companion. Nothing.

Even after his death, one thought still remained.

"I love you."


Bella no yelling (ha remember when I wrote this OMP like woah)

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