Part 1 ; chapter 3 : AMBUSH

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[Minutes earlier]

Evan's eyes widened , as a loud shot broke the silence a blast flew through the air , Xavier ducked dodging it

"KID, RUN NOW!" Evan yelled , unsheathing his katana. The purple blade materialized , he slashed another blast that was aimed at Xavier 

The boy ran away , leaving Spectro and Evan to deal with the ambush , Evan rushed at the attackers , another shot rang , he slid on the ground , looking at it quickly 

"DARK NEXUS BLASTS !" He shouted  ,

he leaped off the ground , dodging 2 other bullets Evan landed right in-front of them , breaking the ground on impact. He filled up his lungs with air. The two attackers stayed somewhat calm , aiming their blasters at him 

"NEXUS BLAST !" The cloaked figures shouted at the same time. Beams of dark nexus* shot out from the blasters , the attack hurled at Evan , his throat started to glow orange , he puffed up his cheeks followed with a powerful exhale , a giant wave of concentrated flames clashed against the energy beams , annihilating them. The flames cornered the attackers in the alley even melting the glass windows around them.

"LIGHTING WALL !" the one on the left struck the ground, electricity shot from the creak , blocking the flames from getting to them.  the attacker on the right grabbed the other by his cloak , throwing him a few feet into the air "Just like how we practiced!" he shouted 

Evan stopped his breath attack , dashing at the attacker on the ground breaking through the wall with ease , he slashed horizontally the cloaked man jumped above the blade ,hen stood on it to taunt Evan 

Though that didn't affect him , he tightened his grip on the shaft of the katana , his eyes glowing purple , the blade shattered into fragments. Before the attacker could even touch the ground they circled around him at high speeds , cutting into his clothing and skin along with restraining his movements. Droplets of blood flew everywhere as he protected his face and neck

Spectro's eyes narrowed , "No killing !" His voice echoed behind Evan with authority,

Evan sighed "Fine.." the fragments of the blade went back in place inside the katana 

The attacker was on the ground his cloak in pieces , Evan approached him , grabbed him by the throat before lifting him up to see his face , the hood fell , revealing a boy with dark crimson hair with tan skin , his eyes were closed as he struggled to breathe from Evan's grip 

"You're just some kid , no older than my son" Evan looked disappointed and let the boy fall to the ground before kicking him in the ribs , the kick sent the boy crashing into a brick wall

Evan looked up for a second but was stopped by a stinging feeling on his chest 

"SEAL !" a white chain sent by the attacker had pierced through his defenses, the purple glow in his eyes disappeared

The attacker in the air stabilized as he fell , his cloak unbuttoned , revealing a young man with short blonde hair ,slightly tan skin , his eyes were a deep blue though in that moment they turned a electric yellow. He smashed his hands together and spread them in a wide arc electricity filled the gap , he directed his palms towards his foe

"An engravure?!" Evan thought to himself as he grabbed the Chain 

the boy shouted from above him " 50K VOLT LIGHTNING BEAM !" Evan looked up. Feeling fear for an instant

"SPECTRO COVER ME !" he pleaded , to no avail as Spectro was too far away at that point 

The beam had such a force to it that it kept the blonde boy from touching the ground

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