Spring in The Fall -2

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Title of this chapter: Panic.

Luke's POV:

Everything about Jake felt odd today, I know that very well. It can be for many reason he's not telling us, but it's so upsetting he wont tell us what's wrong with him. Especially with me and Zander, he usually talks to us the most. Just.. why is he avoiding us now? It's just so out of the blue, but who am I to judge? Maybe he's just under the weather and doesn't wanna talk to us for now, no big deal!

Right now, all I could think of was Jake and how he acted, it just worried me by how silent he was being and how distant he was towards us. Hell he won't even talk to Hailey, the only people he will mostly talk to now is Sean and Milly. It's just.. so stupid, I know well Zander has also taken a notice by this by how annoyed he's acting.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard my name being called, I realized Milly was here. I had completely forgotten I'm in the music club, unusual of me but i guess it happens. I looked at them, they seemed a bit worried by how spacey I was.

I looked around before saying "Is Jake still not here? Thats weird, he's never usually THIS late.. it's been 30 minutes."

"Well, he did text me he wouldn't be coming today since he had a small emergency." Hailey responded

Weird, but also seemed quite normal for him.

"Small emergency my ass.." I heard Zander mumbled, he was clearly pissed off over all of this but I'm sure it'll all clear up soon. After all, it's Jake we're talking about! He'll warm up soon enough.

[Few days later🔥]

Oh hell I was deadass wrong. Jake did not talk to us over a week, A WEEK!!! He's never usually away for this long, did something horrible happen? I'm so worried..

Zander's POV:


He's never distant unless if somethings really wrong, did we do something to him that made him come to the music club less often and talk to us less? This is all so confusing. If only he told us what was wrong maybe we could help him, but everything we do just seems so goddamn useless.

I quickly snapped away from my thoughts when I heard people enter class, I looked at Luke and tapped his shoulder since I knew he spaced out again. I looked at the door seeing everyone from our class come in, including Hailey.

Hailey sat next to us and I looked at her confused, she always comes before classes start.

"Hailey, everything alright?" I asked.

"Yeah, I just managed to have a chat with Jake. He looked like he wanted to get away from me as soon as possible, but he did say that he wanted me to say hi to the both of you for him." She replied.

My eyes widened with a slight excitement

"FOR FUCKS SAKE FINALLY I HEARD AT LEAST SOMETHING FROM HIM.. even if it wasn't face to face, I'm still glad I heard something from him. I hate to admit but I'm worried." I replied with a relieved yet still worried tone.

Everything is so unreal for some reason, and not in a good way.

"Zander, class is starting." Luke said, making snap out of my thoughts.

"Right." I replied, now paying attention to the teacher.

Jake's (quick) POV:

I am such a PUSSY!! WHY COULDN'T I JUST SAID IT FACE TO FACE!??! I just hope they aren't that mad.

Zander's POV:

I am still so FUCKING PISSED, I know I can't be mad forever but its pissing me off from how he won't even reply to any text I send. Its so irritating.

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