Punishment (Part 2.2)

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A/N: I tried to do this one a little differently. Both part 2.1 and part 2.2 are continuations of part 1, but they play out differently. Both timelines will match up back to part 3 of Punishment. Feel free to read one or the other, or both!

W/C: 1234

POV girl:

He walks over to my kneeling form, towering over me as he puts his index finger underneath my chin, lifting my face to see his.

"Do you know why you're here, little bunny?" he asks calmly, but his aura exudes power.

I'm already in trouble, so hell, why not take it all the way?

"No sir, please enlighten me," I reply, unsuccessfully trying to hide a small smirk that appears on my face.

I look up to his face and very quickly regret my actions. Why the hell did I just do that? Clearly, the alcohol isn't fully out of my system yet. Or maybe I want to test his limits?

His calm demeanour flashes a dark look filled with anger and then clears just as suddenly as it arrived. He takes a deep breath in and sighs.

"What am I going to do with you, hm?" he slowly drawls out, and my fear multiplies. He walks over to the other side of the room leaving me on my knees, and takes a selection of items.

He walks back to my kneeling form and sets down some items on the bed before reaching me.

He grabs me by the hair and drags me to my feet with an unexpected harshness that makes me gasp in surprise.

"Hands," he barks. "Up, now."

I do what he says and raise my arms above my head. He quickly binds my hands with leather handcuffs to an anchor point on the ceiling, and it is just the right height so that my arms are fully stretched out above me.

He twists my nipple painfully and I let out a combination of a yelp and a moan.

"Who do you belong to, whore?"

"Myself," I reply, rolling my eyes at him.

Well, that was a grave mistake.

He chuckles to himself as he retrieves an item from the bed, and my eyes widen as I realize what it is.

"No need to count today," he smiles winningly at me. "We'll be here until I feel like stopping."

My heart drops in my chest.

No. No, no, no, no, no. Not that. Anything but that.

The crack of the cane on his hand makes me flinch involuntarily. I don't dare look up at him, but I can sense him smiling sadistically.

He rests the cane on my tits, slowly lifts it off and then snaps his wrist to make contact with my body.



I scream in pain, looking down at my chest to see a flat red line appear on my body.



If these damned hands restraints weren't holding me upright, I'd already be curled in a ball on the floor.



He continues attacking my tits, several angry red lines spread across my body.

How many times until he's satisfied?


A while.

So long that I lose track of time. It could have been 5 minutes or two hours, but for me, it felt like an eternity. By the time he's satisfied, I have scorching red marks across my tits, back and legs, and my body is a wet, crying, shaking mess.

He puts down the cane and I sigh a breath of relief, my body sagging in my restraints.

"We're not done yet, brat," he says as he releases my hands, catching me in his arms.

He picks me up and I wince and let out a gasp as his hand comes in contact with the fresh marks on my back and legs.

"P-please sir, I'll be good, I swear! I won't brat anymore, please just don't punish me anymore!" I try to plead, already knowing the outcome of my request.

"Absolutely not." He quickly replies and my shoulders droop. "You've been bratting way too often recently and I know you won't learn without this lesson."

He lays me on the bed, my back feeling an odd mixture of pain from the contact, refreshedness from the cool bedsheets, and a hint of arousal.

He reaches over to the table next to the bed and applies a balm that tingles when it touches my skin.

Once all the marks are slathered in the healing agent, he grabs red rope and starts tying me to the bed frame in a big X shape.

My body is too tired to protest anything, and at this point I'm willing to take what he gives.

My body starts to feel heavy and I'm on the verge of falling asleep when I feel a vibrator hit my clit.

I'm jolted back awake as waves of pleasure fill me to my core. Was the punishment really over?!

He puts a gag on me and then secures the vibrator to my leg so it is fixed on my clit and put on the setting with various highs and lows.

Then he leaves the room.

"Wher-" but he's already gone through the door and out of sight before I can try ask where he's going through the gag.

The vibrator starts to pick up and he is pushed out of my thoughts as I'm brought to the edge of an orgasm.

A moment of panic sets over me as I realize he isn't here for me to ask permission to cum, but then it hits me.

Who even needs his permission? It's my body, and I can do what I want with it.

Just as I manage to convince myself that I am an independent woman who doesn't need a man to control me, he re-enters the room, and any thought of rebellion perishes.

He is holding a steaming cup of coffee in one hand, and his work laptop in the other.

What the hell is he doing with those, right now??

He drags a chair about 5 meters away from me, sits in it and starts doing work on his laptop, completely ignoring me, naked and bound with a vibrator to my clit.

I start rising to my peak once again, and I strain against the bonds keeping me captive to the bed to try to get out, try to get his attention, anything.

But he just ignores me, typing away on his laptop and sipping his coffee. I see him glance above his screen to me and hope fills my core.

"Let's try this again," he speaks with a tone laced with dominance. "Who do you belong to?"

I grit my teeth, my mind weighing the options between being a brat or giving him what he wants, one side barely beating the other.

"M-myself," I manage to grunt out as I reach the end of my breaking point, the orgasm that has been building up right there. "I-"

"Hold it." His mood darkens even more and I swear he is casting a dark aura that fills the room.

Unable to hold on for any longer, I finally broke.

"You sir, I belong to you!" I nearly scream, saying the words that he wants, the words that both he and I know have been and will be true. "Please, sir! My body belongs to you and only you!"

"Cum for me," he says and I let go and let the powerful orgasm go through my body, the familiar euphoric feeling making my whole body warm.

He smiles at me as he walks over to the bed to release me from my restraints, and tend to the fresh wounds of the night.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14 ⏰

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