sunwon (A)

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Big argument (?)

⚠️Please don't read if u are soft-hearted⚠️

Jungwon pov:
Me and sunoo have been together for almost a year now but I don't think the relationship is going well
Because he's always been touchy to jay-hyung. I brushed it off because I knew they were just friends,
but as days go by, sunoo is becoming more and more clingy to jay-hyung. Other people even thought they were boyfriends. me and sunoo never spends time together because of jay-hyung.

We're at our house eating dinner.
"Jungwon, baby, I'm just gonna go to Daniel's house since he invited me to go to his party" sunoo said smiling "oh when will you come home?" I said concerned because he always go to parties without me inviting "uhh how about 11 pm?" Sunoo said "sure" I said while giving him my dimpled smile as he pecked me in the lips and goes outside .

11:05 pm

I checked the time and it's already 11 but sunoo is not there yet so I called Daniel

Daniel: oh hi jungwon
Jungwon: Daniel where is sunoo? He said he's going home at 11?
Daniel: oh he's with jay
Jungwon: oh... Well I'm going there
Daniel: wait don't u have a fever jungwon?
Jungwon: what are you talking about? Ofc no
Daniel: but sunoo said u have a fever so we didn't invited you
Jungwon: oh then I'm going
Daniel: oh ok! Be safe
Call ended**

"Gosh I can't believe sunoo lied to Daniel" I said while putting on my hoodie and shoes before going to Daniel's house

11:15 pm

Once I gotten to Daniel's house he greeted me and pointed where sunoo and jay-hyung is
While I was walking through the hallways I heard some creaking noises and moans on where Daniel pointed and I saw some little hole in the door and I can't believe what I just saw

They were having


Daniel pov:
While I was drinking some juice I suddenly heard jungwon crying in one of the hallways and I quickly go there and I heard a loud moan in one of the rooms and I knew jay and sunoo are having ykyk as I quickly hugged jungwon tight
"Jungwon I'm very sorry you have to experience this situation" I said to jungwon while I was about to cry "it's ok Daniel, I'll just go home.." jungwon said wiping his tears but I stopped him "wait! I'll take you home" I said to him "no need, I can take myself home." Jungwon said coldly "ok walk home safely" I said to him while he made his way through the door

Jungwon pov:
I hate u sunoo I FUCKING hate u
He just made love on his friend and leaving me speechless and nothing like a dirtbag
I loved sunoo so much, I cared for him and all he did was fuck with his friend like he doesn't have a relationship?!

12:23 am

I'm still here crying after I saw them having love when I heard someone opened the door revealing sunoo so exhausted that it's fucking obvious he fucked with someone "hi babe why're you still awake..?" He said nervously "because I just wanna say that we are breaking up" I said to him coldly "w-what? Why?!" He said to me shocked "I FUCKING saw u making love with your friend and u LIED to Daniel that I was having a fever so I couldn't go to his party" I said crying "b-bab-" before he could finish he's word I slapped him " DON'T CALL ME BABE AFTER U FUCK WITH JAY-HYUNG, SUNOO HOW COULD U DO THIS?! I LOVED YOU AND CARED ABOUT U, AND YOURE JUST ALWAYS THERE FOR JAY-HYUNG AND NOT ME" I said shouting at him and sobbing "jungwon I was drunk! I didn't even know jay fucked me" he said "I DONT CARE IF YOURE DRUNK OR NOT WHEN U HAD SEX WITH JAY U DIDN'T EVEN LET ME GO TO DANIEL'S PARTY TOO" I said while my knees felt weak and felled to the ground "SO WHAT IF I HAD SEX WITH JAY?! ITS NOT LIKE I LOVED YOU WITH ALL MY HEART PLUS THE RELATIONSHIP IS NOT EVEN SERIOUS" sunoo said leaving me stunned "sunoo... Are you happy me when we first started our relationship? Do you really like it when we first kissed? Do you really mean our relationship? Did you really loved me?" I said to him and the only answer he said

"No" then he left.

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Anyways, BYEE ><

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