stalker (S)

525 9 11


3:03 am

jay pov:

"fuck it's so cold," I said looking at Jungwon, I can't believe he was still awake at 3 am, I'm outside his window watching every move he make. 

Me and Jungwon don't know each other, I mean, we don't talk too much but he doesn't know I've been stalking him for months since I started liking him, but how will I get close to him? well, he's friends with my sister, Yuna, and Yuna invited Jungwon to our house, so there's a chance that we could be friends.

I was taking pictures of Jungwon when suddenly, he saw me, I panicked and started to walk away going home, "shit did he see me?"

Jungwon pov:                                                  

"was that Park Jongseong?!" I said shocked because it was already 3:43 am

5:12 pm

jungwon pov:

I was getting ready to go to yuna's house but I got interrupted when yuna called me

jungwon: hey yunaa, whats up?

yuna: hii wonii, do you wanna have a sleepove to our house since my parents are not home?


yuna: GREATT come here at 6 pm !!

jungwon: OKAYOKAY ill pack my stuff

yuna: ok bye won, come here safely

*call ended*

"im so happy im gonna sleep at my crush's house !!!" i said twirling happily

"so you like yuna huh?"

7:01 pm

jungwon pov:

while i was chatting nonsense stuff with yuna someone shouted, "YUNAA, SOMEONES AT THE DOOR!!!" jay said shouting, "that must be the food, ill go get it" i said while going downstairs revealing a sleeveless jay causing me to blush and stare a bit, "what are you lookin at? the someone waiting at the door." jay said smirking after seeing me go red as a tomato.

12:54 am

i woke up having a FUCKING BONER i didnt know why, did i got a wet dream? or im just horny..

hopefully not because IM LITERALLY AT YUNA'S HOUSE and i didnt bring my happy gel, i went to the bathroom and started to masturbate a little bit (im not really good at masterbating so im not yet satisfied)

1:19 am

i ended up getting naked in the bathroom, its not enough, i want something inside me im so horny.. "fuck.." i said breathing heavily, all i could think is jay-hyung "jay~.." i said moaning while fingering myself when suddenly, someone opened the door. "y-yuna! you shouldve had ahh~ opened the d-door~!" i said moaning a little "yuna?" a familiar voice said when i realized it was jay, "j-jay..!" i said getting nervous "wtf are you doing there?" jay said causing me to shiver "n-nothing spec-cial.." i said stuttering, he then opened the curtains revealing me holding my hard cock and my other hand on my hole "why are you fucking yourself!? do you not know your moans can hear at my room? you shouldve stayed quiet while doing this" jay said in an angry, serious tone, "s-sorry j-jay AHH" i got shocked when jay lift me up and wrapped my legs to his waist "fuck youre so petite.." jay said while walking to his room and yeeted me on his bed "owh.." i said "look at you under me, so petite and fuckable" jay said biting his lip while undressing, his built up body made me drool.. "good thing i like you, but if not, i would be disgusted." he said "p-please.." i said whimpering, "please what?" he said smirking at me, but before he could tease more i grabbed his face and kissed him heatedly, he then puts his tongue inside my mouth causing me to moan inside his mouth


after the heated kiss jay flipped the younger getting all-fours "how many fingers did you put?" jay said "t-three" jungwon said "good boy." jay said while he grabs a lube inside his drawer and started to put lube on his fingers, after that he puts the lubed fingers inside's jungwons hole, "a-ahh~" jungwon said moaning, "fuck youre still tight.." jay said groaning, after he fingered the younger he then puts lube on his erect cock and started to tease jungwon his tip "p-please put it in hyungiee~" jungwon said impatiently "be patient darling" jay said biting jungwon's earlobe causing the younger to moan, jay then puts his erect cock through jungwons hole without any warning and already started a fast pace "h-hyung! ah~ h-harder~!!" jungwon said moaning loudly

its been HOURS and they went through many rounds, its their 6th round now

"h-hyung.." jungwon said tiredly "fuck jungwon, youre still driving me crazy" jay said, today, jungwon's the one whos riding jay, "i-im close~! mmh~!" jungwon said while jay kissed him tongue to tongue, the kiss was a sloppy, wet one but both of them are enjoying it "me too.." jay said gasping for air "come for me baby" jay said while holding jungwons dick up and down "AHHH~~" they both said in unison "m'tired.." jungwon said resting on jay's shoulder "lets get you clean up hm?" jay said while lifting jungwon up in a bridal style and went to the shower to clean up

next day..

"soo, what are we?" jungwon said cuddling on jay "boyfriends" jay said grinning and kissed jungwon's dimpled cheeks "i love you hyungie" "i love you too.."

"DID YOU KNOW THAT YOU AND JAY-OPPA ARE SOOOO LOUD I CANT SLEEP?!?!!?!?" yuna said shouting at jungwon while jungwon is flustered "s-sorry" jungwon said chuckling akwardly "good thing my parents was not there, but i support you two i guess.." yuna said "awhh come on dont be sad, ill treat you today" jungwon said ressuring her "OKAYYY" yuna said happily 

but jungwon still dont know that jay stalked him before.


if u liked it, dont forget to votee, btw this was a LONG time ago, like i just said, ill be posting my old storiesss, THATS ALL



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