jaywon (S)

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Top: jay
Bottom: jungwon
Rough sex
Friends to lovers

Gosh jungwon you're driving me crazy

Jay pov:

Me and jungwon love each other platonically but me? I love him romantically
Almost every cute movement jungwon make makes me so whipped for him like GOSH, every time he shoots me his cute wittle dimple smile it makes me wanna kiss his cheeks so bad 😭
"Jay-hyung did u heard sunoo's party tonight?" Jungwon said to me smiling "yep, are you gonna come?" I said while smiling back "yes but only if u will come too" he said shyly "sure I'll come:)" then he hugged me unexpectedly (which I liked lol) "btw what time are we gonna go there?" I said "sunoo said that we can go around 6pm" he said "sure" I said as I wink at him making him blush a little (which was so cute 🥺) then we bid goodbyes

Jungwon pov:
Omg jay-hyung is gonna come too!!!!
Well when I first met him I already fell inlove with him which he didn't know ofc and I'm already picking an outfit to wear
"Hmmm let's seeee" I said while looking for some good outfits to wear "how abouttt, THISS" as I picked a black sleeveless turtleneck with some necklace to match with it and a baggy jeans.
Once I was done I walked to jay-hyung's house

Jay pov:
"It's so hard to pick a freaking outfit, GOSH" I said while looking an outfit to wear and I FINALLY found one, it was a designed t-shirt and some cargo pants and after I wore it someone knocks threw my door

Jungwon pov:
As I waited for someone to open the door I finally met jay opening the door with a very hot outfit (FOR ME 😻) "h-hi jay-hyung u look so handsome to that outfit" WHY DID I JUST FUCKING STUTTER?!?!? "Lol thanks you too u look so cute in that turtleneck" he said making my cheeks go red like a tomato "should we go now?" I said "sure let's go to my car" he said getting my wrist and letting me follow to his car and drove where sunoo's party is

Jay pov:
Fuck he looks so cute in those turtleneck I wanna crush him so much..
After we drove to sunoo's house it was already 6pm which was good timing then we knocked onto sunoo's door
"Hii jungwonn and jay-hyung!!!" Sunoo said while hugging jungwon "thanks for inviting us to your party sunoo-hyung" jungwon said smiling happily "shall we go?" "YESS!!!"

8:30 pm

Jay pov:
Sunoo is VERY rich he got so many guest rooms here for us to ykyk and jungwon is hella drunk rn
"hI jAy-Hyuuung~" jungwon said drunkly while sitting on my lap "jungwon you've gotten so drunk" I said smirking "JaY-hyungggg pleAsee~!!" He said whining "please what?" I said questioning "pLeasse hyung I want you~" those fucking three words jungwon said made me smirking but he suddenly kissed me which I fastly reciprocated, the kiss was not innocent or gentle it was a messy and rough kiss
I started to put my hand on his waist AND OMFG HIS WAIST IS SO SMALL I COULD LEAVE BRUISES ALL OVER IT then we gasp for air and I lift him up like a bridal style and went to look for some empty guest room and placed drunk jungwon to the bed and I started to strip myself and jungwon too, when we're both naked I started to tease his pink tight hole "please hyungieee" jungwon said whining "please what?" I said smirking as I tease him more "please put it in~" he said moaning because I was rubbing his hole "be patient hyungie will put it in soon" I said while I go on to my knees and started to lick his hole "ahh~ hyungiee stop~ it's quite embarrassing~!!" Jungwon said trying to push my head but I squeeze his thighs stronger and started to put my tongue threw his hole which cause him to moan loudly "h-hyungie m'bout t-to come~" he said moaning "come for me then, come for hyungie little slut" I said as I push my tongue deeper until he come
"Now let the fun begin" I said while smirking and flipping jungwon to his stomach as I put my 2 fingers into his face "suck." I said in a demanding tone
He started sucking it like a lollipop which turned me on more and after that I putted my finger threw his wet hole and started scissoring him "ahh~ h-harder hyungie~" he said moaning, after scissoring him I began to tease him by rubbing his hole using my tip "hyung put it in already~!!" He said whimpering as I slammed my erect dick hard and started to pound on him hardly and roughly "AH~AH~AH~ H-HYUNGIE T-TOO M-MUCH~!!!" jungwon said moaning loudly "Slow d-down h-hyungie~" he said but I didn't listen to him and pounded onto him harder "gosh jungwon you're taking my dick so fucking well, no wonder your a slut for daddy" I said while his only respond was a breathy moan "h-hyung I'm Ah~ close~" "same should I come inside jungwoniee~" I said while rubbing his stomach "yes! Yes! Inside please ~!" Jungwon said begging "everything my slut wants, gets." I said while I'm so close to my climax as we both moan after we reached our highs then we plopped onto the bed gasping for air

"So what does this mean?" He said
"I love you hyung"
Love you more

HOW WAS IT??? 😋😋
Btw don't forget to vote if u liked it </33
I'm bad at smuts so I'll try to make some fluff

HOW WAS IT??? 😋😋Btw don't forget to vote if u liked it </33I'm bad at smuts so I'll try to make some fluff

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Sending hugs 💞

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