jaywon (S)

373 10 6

rough sex
Spanking kink
Choking kink (only a little)


"Plss just this once~" ni-ki said on a phone call begging jungwon to join to their party, "but jay-hyung will be mad" jungwon said, "I don't care, just come here I have a plan" ni-ki said and tells jungwon the plan

"Is this gonna work..?" "Yeye"
"Uh hi jay-hyung"
"Hi baby"
"Uhm so ni-ki has an emergency and uhm he wants me to help him so I'm going to his house.."
"Oh is sunoo not there with him?"
"Sure, be home early okay?"
"Oh okay thanks jay-hyung *kiss*"
"Bye jungwon, be safe"

"Did it work?" Ni-ki said on the phone again, "Yes, come pick me up" jungwon said smiling

"HII JUNGWONNN" ni-ki said after seeing jungwon, "hi ni-ki, where are the others?" Jungwon said because he doesn't see the other members at the party, "oh them? They are all at the balcony, and sunoo said there will be a new guest here" ni-ki said while letting jungwon follow him at the balcony

Jungwon POV:
Me and ni-ki, sunoo + other members were enjoying so much that I got so much drunk I didn't know who lift me up and took me to their house, until I realized it was, jay.

"You said you'll just help ni-ki? Why did I pick u up or drunk and wasted?!" Jay said angrily making me wanting to cry " 'm s-sorry.." I said while tears fell down to my cheeks, "wait right here, I'll buy something real quick" jay said while going out to the room, and I was just there, speechless, I didn't know jay would caught me like that, the I started to sob "t-this is all my fault.." I said hiccuping, I then went to the bathroom to do something ni-ki said to me.

"If jay found out then wear this outfit" ni-ki said while handing me a white thong with a cat tail at the back of it, cat ears and a transparent black shirt to match the cat ears and the tails, "ni-ki w-why this?!" I said blushing, "so if he's mad at you make him seduce you" ni-ki said giving me a wink, "stop and give it to me" I said while I grabbed the outfit roughly

Current time
"Should I really wear this...?" I said to myself in disbelief, "here goes nothing.." I said while putting it all in, I didn't know the thong was so tight or maybe because I was hard after looking myself at the mirror, "fuck.." I said while biting my lip, "JUNGWON, WHERE ARE YOU??" A voice screamed at me, it's was jay, "w-wait!!" I said panicking because I already putted the outfit and I didn't got the time to hide my body, "what are you doing?" Jay said angrily, "i- uhh, I will be there!" I said back while getting a towel and went to the bedroom

"Why are you covering yourself with a towel? Plus why is your shirt different?" Jay said questioning me, "i-i just, uhh" I didn't know what to say but then jay suddenly pulled the towel revealing what I'm wearing, "wtf are you wearing?!" Jay said caught of guard, "i-uhh, I just uhh" I said stuttering but jay choked me but not that hard, I could still breath, "do you want me to seduce you?" Jay said lifting one eyebrow which I replied with a nod, "you fucking slut, wanna get fuck by his hyung after I get mad at you" jay said causing me to whimper softly, "fuck you're so petite, no wonder your a bottom" jay said chuckling before giving me a kiss, he was under me while I was laying at the bed

"I forgot, was I mad at you earlier? Do you deserve a reward?" Jay said while trailing his finger between jungwon's chest, "n-no.. I was a b-bad boy.." jungwon said making jay smirk, "then you should deserve a punishment right?" Jay said making Jungwon pout, jay then flipped jungwon making jungwon's ass up in the air, "j-jay- AHHH-OWHH" jungwon said after jay spanked his buttcheeks making Jungwon cry, "didn't you deserve a punishment? Now take it." Jay said while slapping jungwon more, "n-no more- OWH-AHH pleAse" jungwon said begging to jay but jay seems like he didn't heard jungwon and began to spank more, "fuck your cheeks are so red now" jay said caressing the red buttcheeks, "no more.." jungwon said sobbing, "hmmm, okay then" jay said and flipped jungwon again, "please.." jungwon said whining, "pleasure me first" jay said simply making Jungwon go to his knees and started to zip Jay's pants, he then saw how hard Jay's dick, jungwon started to put his hand to Jay's dick and started to move his hand up and down before putting his mouth in, "fuck jungwon, faster~" jay said enjoying how jungwon has a gag reflex and jungwon did what jay said, he started to Bob his head more faster making jay a moaning mess, "I-IM close.." jay said moaning while jungwon went HAM, jay then busted a thick cream in jungwon's mouth which jungwon eventually swallowed, "such a goodboy for hyung, what about put my dick inside your hole now?" Jay said while rubbing his finger into jungwon's wet hole making Jungwon nod, jay putted jungwon to the bed and started to pull jungwon's wet thong, "there's no lube, mind sucking my fingers?" Jay said and jungwon nodded and puts Jay's fingers to his mouth and started sucking it like a lollipop

After the fingering session jay puts his dick to jungwon's fingered hole and starts to pound on him at a normal pace before pounding into jungwon into an animal pace, "J-JAY- AHH, SLOWDOWNNN~~" jungwon said screaming because of pain and pleasure "fuck your tightening your walls more, shit" jay said groaning, " I'm g-gonna come~!" Jungwon said moaning loudly, "shit-" jay then come at jungwon's hole and jungwon comes next, "I'm sorry jay-hyung for lying, I'll never do it again.." jungwon said while going to the shower to clean up when jay stopped him, "who said we're done yet? I didn't even forgive you yet" jay said while flipping jungwon to his stomach making Jungwon go on all fours, "wait wha- AHH~" that's when jay puts it all the way in making Jungwon cry again

They finished after 5-7 rounds and jungwon is so tired but jay still has some more energy but he felt bad at jungwon so he let jungwon rest.

btw I keep doing jaywon (certified jaywon stanner 🤤) but I'll do more ships in the future:p

I'm making more fluffs.


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