Chapter 9

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The Emiya residence. The basement.

A couple days later. Evening.

Did I visit the Club? Nope. They've had enough of my explanations. They certainly tried to find me and my home, but alas and alack, it is impossible. At least not for someone like them. Why? The Touch of Heaven is a very useful thing if you know how to use it. Like lore Nasuverse said, it allows you to manipulate the soul itself, and by extension, the mind, as was seen in Reynal's example.

I have slightly "tweaked" the perception of the minds of both Club and Student Council members, thus disabling their ability to notice the presence of me or my house. The closest analogy to this is Nurarihyon's ability from the anime of the same name. What was it? "The eyes will see, but the mind will not perceive." Heh. Poor bastards.

Right now I'm wondering who I should send to Azazel. A promise is a promise, after all. Hmm... Da Vinci? Definitely. But who else? Paracelsus? Blavatskaya? Hyde, maybe? Heh. That's a lot of options. Think, Romani. Think.

I pondered for quite a while... Half an hour for sure. Until a certain thought occurred to me. The second Servant may not know science, but Da Vinci is enough for him.

- Heeheeheeheeheeheeheeheehee.

- Stop giggling so creepily, Master," Emiya's voice came from behind me. I turned around and glared at him and stopped giggling.

- What?" he asked.

- What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be cooking dinner?

- I would if I had food. One hungry lion ate all our supplies and I had to send some Servants to the store," Emiya replied. - And anyway, why should I cook if you possess the Denial of Nonexistence? You can just create food, can't you?

- Ho? Am I hearing the first signs of rebellion, Shirou-kun? - I asked, and a wide grin appeared on my face. When he saw it, he jumped up and took on the appearance of a frightened cat.

- N-no! I'm...

- Artoria! - I shouted, not letting him finish. - Shirou said you're fat and eat too much!

Not a second later, a certain "King" of the Knights burst into the basement with Excalibur at her side. She found Emiya with her eyes and began to slowly move towards him. Emiya, unable to find an escape route, began to cautiously back away until he hit a wall. He raised his hands and his body trembled with fear.

- C-calm down, Artoria! I didn't say that! - He shrieked, looking at her with frightened eyes. - Let's just sit down and talk about it!

Did Artoria listen to him? Nope. Excalibur flashed with golden light every now and then, and its owner came closer and closer to him.

- 'By my Command Seal, I command you, Emiya Shirou, use your Innate Bounded Field on yourself and Artoria,' I chanted and later added. - I have no desire to deal with the aftermath of your lovemaking. Sort it out, lovebirds.

Emiya, activating the Unlimited Blade Works, looked at me with very, VERY furious eyes. And me? I just smiled sweetly and waved goodbye.

- I will have my revenge, Master! - He let out a fierce scream and disappeared with Artoria in a ring of flames.

- You should have kept your mouth shut, Queen Shirou," I said into the void and returned to the matter of summoning.

Well. Where was I? Oh, yes. Da Vinci and "someone." After pumping the summoning circle with mana, it lit up, and two female figures appeared before me.

- Pleased to meet you. Caster class servant, Leonardo da Vinci. You can call me Da Vinci-chan~

- You can rest easy now that I'm with you. Let's save everyone's lives.

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