Chapter 15

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Unknown location.

- I see. Your clan is truly impressive. But may I ask you a question, Lady Phenex? - I smiled softly and took a sip from my cup.

- Of course," Ravel nodded. - And I think we can address each other by our first names. Don't you think?

- It suits me just fine. And my question is, why are you so eager to answer my questions? I'd say too eagerly," I said measuredly, crossing my arms in front of me and setting my cup on the table. - Don't take this the wrong way, Ravel-san, but this situation makes me suspicious.

Hearing me, she simply smiled and replied:

- That's what brother said.

- Hm?

- That's what brother said,'' she repeated her answer. - He said that the Great Ancestor himself had contacted him in a dream and told him that he could trust the Magician. When the brother shared this with us, his retinue, we all had a certain person in mind. Namely, you, Romani-san.

My eyes widened in surprise. What had she just said? Riser had been contacted by Phenex? There's no way I'll believe that this dream was just a coincidence. What are the odds that he dreamed this exact thing, in this exact wording, and at this exact time.

- Do you want to explain yourself, Phenex? - I mentally asked the demon.

- Yeah, do you want to explain yourself? - Gremory asked.

- Yes, it was my doing," Phenex answered. - And it's not my fault you didn't try to do the same.

- Tsk.

Yeah. Just as I thought.

- Explain to me why you did it. I don't quite understand your motives," I continued to interrogate the demon.

- Why wouldn't I? - Phenex answered the question with a question. - Besides, you found my blood of this world interesting, didn't you? Consider it a little help on my part.

In response to his words, I only snorted and crossed my arms across my chest. He wants to leave the Phenex clan in my care, huh? I glanced briefly at Ravel. There was anticipation and... trepidation on her face? Yes, that was it. Apparently, the very fact that their ancestor had such confidence in me already gave me a very high status in their eyes.

- Ravel-sa--

- Ravel, Romani-sama," she interrupted me. Uh-huh. Now she uses the prefix 'herself' when she saw that I realized what she was getting at.

- Can we do without that? - A tired sigh escaped my mouth.

- Of course not. You are the one favored by the Great Ancestor of our clan himself. And this is a clear disrespect to him," she said with confidence in her voice.

- Ravel-s--

- Just "Ravel."

My eye twitched. What is this shit?! Is that so fundamental to you?!

- You're getting nervous, Romani," I heard Goetia's voice. - Don't you like being treated with such deep respect? Don't you realize that this will become commonplace when the world finds out about you, the reincarnation of Solomon, King of Magic?

- Would you be so kind as to shut up? I don't want to hear that shit from every angel, demon, or fallen I cross paths with.

- Romani-sama? - Ravel asked with concern in her voice. - Are you all right? Your face became very irritable for a moment.

- Don't mind me, Ravel," I waved it away. - It's just the beast in my head being silly. It's nothing serious.

- Foolishness? - Goetia was indignant.

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