Chapter 10

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Kuoh Academy. The occult research club.

- Will you finally answer why you came here? - Rias asked me for the tenth time. Why? Since Emiya is unavailable, I decided to taunt the demons.

It had been about two hours since Riser and his entourage had left, and I was still sitting and watching them. As well as them watching me. Greyfia had already left to inform Sirzechs about the Rating Game.

- I will, of course! - I said in a cheerful voice and suddenly fell silent. And of course, Rias' nerves couldn't take the strain.

- Well?! You've been sitting here for two hours and disturbing us while we need to make a training plan!

- That's exactly what my answer is, Rias-san! - I stated. - I propose to leave Issei's training to me, and I promise to bring him back safely. At least physically.

All the members of the Club stared at me in surprise. Issei was especially surprised.

- Why me?" he asked. - If you can help with the training, why not help the President and the others? They're stronger than me.

Well, well, well. Look at this caring protagonist. He just trusted me without any hesitation. The word "self-preservation" is conspicuously absent from his vocabulary. But fear not. A couple of training sessions with Emiya or perhaps Gilgamesh will teach him about life. Hehehehe.

- That's the reason, pervert-kun. You're the weakest link of the retinue, and thus you'll need more mooch training,'' I said, nearly getting burned.

- Romani-sensei, why are you doing this? I don't want to leave my Issei in the hands of someone I don't trust. You could be a spy for another faction and just get rid of him, couldn't you? - Rias expressed her doubt. - We couldn't even find you or at least sense you these two days. Where are the guarantees that you have no evil intentions?

- The contract. You yourself must realize that a contract with Scarlet Satan himself is very powerful, isn't it?

She nodded reluctantly. I wondered if I should leave Issei to me. Should I sweeten her choice? Why not?

- If you agree, I'd even be willing to answer a couple of your questions HONESTLY. And of course, Akeno-san can visit him from time to time," I said and waited for her decision.

You'll say I could just take Issei away without saying anything, but why? Rias will agree anyway, she's desperate and will accept any help, even if it's risky.

- I'll do it! - Issei declared. - If it helps the President, then I'll agree.

- Thank you, Issei," Rias said with a sweet smile and turned to me. - Good. I agree, sensei. Akeno will visit you from time to time to check on him.

Heh. Look at this. One sentence and the heroine already believes in him and smiles sweetly. It's amazing.

- Well. Then say goodbye to them, perverted-kun," I said, getting up from the couch. - And memorize their faces. You'll need it.

- What do you mean, sensei? You make it sound like I'm going to war," Issei asked in surprise.

That is indeed true, protagonist. I promised you my share of suffering, didn't I? Heeheeheeheehee.

- Why do I get the feeling that I'm going to die in this training? - He shuddered.

О? It only came up now? And it's late, friend, really late.

- Don't mind me. You're just imagining things," I said and grabbed Issei and teleported home. I also mentally asked Emiya to prepare "something."


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