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"Yoon Sia!" She heard the faint and unfamiliar voice. The figures were way to behind her to even recognize the voice or something. She ran untill she came across the janitors room. Ae-in was supposed to be in here

She entered the room with no sight of Ae-in so she tried to get out of there in Rush. Sia fell down after stumbling into one of the closet and broke one of the old glass frames, getting few pieces of glass inside her right hand.

"Oh my god! Are you okay?" Said a concerned and familiar voice. "Boo Seungkwan?"
"I don't think so." SI-A spoke glancing at her hand which was covered with blood now

Seungkwan held up his hand for Sia to get up. She hesitated at first but took his hand and got up.

Electricity running through her veins from the linkage of their hands as she felt her stomach fluttering. "Can you walk?" He asked as Si-A nodded, retrieving her hand away from Mingyu.


Why were you running??" He enquired as another figure joined them. Kim Mingyu from Section A.

"I thought a ghost was chasing me. The rumored one?" Sia said as Seungkwan sighed. "Oh my god I'm so sorry. That was me and Mingyu."

"What? Why?" "I- I thought you saw us-" "Saw what?" Sia enquired. "Well-" Seungkwan and Mingyu shared glances with each other before Seungkwan continued.

"Well we have a secret band of ours and Mingyu thought you saw us rehearsing and you will report us to the principal." "And I thought the rumors of the 6 feet long ghost is true and I was running for my life." Sia Chuckled.

"Oh my god. I'm so sorry. Let's get your hand cleaned. " Seungkwan apologetically said.

"I- I can do it by myself. Thank you." "It was our fault anyways. Let us make up for it."

"I told you I'm -" "Let's go." Seungkwan said cutting her off as she sighed and followed them in silence.

They took her to the Rooftop. There is a closed room in rooftop which was apparently handed over to the school president for keeping the important stuff for student Council.

Seungkwan opened the door as Si-A stood behind him and Mingyu, Revealing 10 more boys.

"Seungkwan and Mingyu! Where have you be- oh? Who is this with you." Said Yoon Jeonghan from Section A as his eyes fell on Si-A.

"This is Si-A." "Oh! She is Si-A. Seungkwan says-" Lee Chan opened his mouth only to get shushed by the Chinese boy named Minghao. Which made Si-A curious. "Seungkwan what?"

"Nothing. Seungkwan told us you took his spot from the First Student." Sia chuckled and murmured a Yes.

"Okay so we have a little accident here-" Seungkwan says as They make Si-A sit down on one of the benches there.

"Oh my god. How did this happened. " Joshua panics. "Well it was our fault." "So you're the accident. Understandable." Seungcheol says as Seungkwan whines in a low tone, making Sia chuckle.

"Come let me wrap this up. Seokmin can you give me the med box??" Joshua with Seokmin'd assistance cleans up your cut and bandage it with some primary supplies. Seungkwan sat beside Her by the whole time.

"So? What does your band do?" Sia asks. "Oh we cover songs and make our own choreography." "That's really cool." SI-A says. "Do you guys have a name?." "Pledis Boys." Seungcheol says as Sia gasps.

"I know you guys. The youtube anonymous ones. Kpop dance cover. You guys are Awesome. I totally love those videos." The boys thanked Sia as the door burst opened revealing two figures.

Ae-in and Jun.

"SIA?!" Ae-in exclaimed as she saw her best friend. Immediately running over to hug her. "Where have you been. I've been searching you everywhere. Your phone was dropped on the classroom floor. I was so worried."

"What are you doing here. Wait is that a bandage on your hand. How did you hurt yourself. That's why I told you to-" "oh my god take a break Ae-in I'm fine." Sia made Ae-in shut down.

"Does this girl ever take a breath? She talks nonstop" Jun asked. "Shut up chinese moron." "Ew racist." "Ew rAcIsT. Shut up." "Make me." Jun winked as Ae-in hid behind Si-A.

"Save me, Wifey." Sia giggled at her friend's behaviour. "How did you two end up together?" Sia enquired. "How did YOU TWO end up together?" Ae-in squinted her eyes.

"Long story. I'll tell you in free schedule. How about you" "Well i bumped into this chinese kid-" "racism on peak.

"Shut up! So I found him and told him to help me find you. So he said we should bring his friends to help me find you. I told him I'll kill him if he kidnaps me or sumn and when we came here you're already here. Yeah-"

"told you. She is no less than Mingyu. Main yapper" Jun mumbled to Minghao as Ae-in glared at him. "How did you hurt yourself?"

Si-A explains herself to her best friend who was demanding for an answer like her mother. And they were set off to go home after the boys offered to do the school activities instead as apology.

"Hey! Si-A!" They were at the school entrance when Seungkwan stopped them. "Can I- can I get your number? To check up on you? If you don't mind." He said with kitty eyes as Sia typed her number into his phone.

"Okay then. See you later? Go safely." "Yeah thanks." "Thanks for?" "For treating the cut." "Oh shua hyung did it tho?" Seungkwan mumbled in confusion as Sia chuckled. "Thanks to all of you." "It's okay. Bye!" "Bye!"

Si-A turned around to see Ae-in smirking. "I swear to almighty if you say something right now." "You know it." Ae-in winked.

"Today choco, tomorrow number. Then into slumber!!" Ae-in teased making Si-A whine. "Park Ae-in!!"

. . .

Hey 👋
Seungkwan here

Ohh hey

How do you feel.
Did you went to a doctor?

The doctor stitched up and
put bandage again

I'm so sorry for this

I told you it's fine

But still

It's really fine

What are you doing

Nothing really

Ohh I was listening to Music

Which song?

Jikjin by Treasure

Wait I listen to Treasure too

Do you like them?

Yes. A lot
Do you have a bias?


The small sign of similar taste made them talk hours on kakao later. Revealing their interest and likeness to each other. Sia really enjoyed Seungkwan's company indeed.


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