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"You look so beautiful here." Seungkwan praised, making Sia's face turn red. She touched her face as Seungkwan admired her pictures.

"Lets- Let's go back to the camp." "
Si-A said, walking away from Seungkwan. "What? Why? Hey! Are you mad?." "What? No I'm not mad. " "I'm sorry I'll never take your pictures without asking first."

"Hey I'm not mad." "Then why don't we stay a litrle more. Being just the two of us is so peaceful." "Fine. Let's stay till dark."

Seungkwan and Si-A stayed together a bit more and went to their camp when it was dark. Seungkwan stepped into his joint camp of Mingyu, him, Dino, Wonwoo, Jun and Jeonghan.

He got stunned in his place when he found Jun and Ae-in making out on the middle of the camp.

Si-A who came back to give Seungkwan his phone which was left in her hands had the same reaction when she walked into.

Before she could speak or do something Seungkwan silently grabbed her hand and took her out before the other two could spot them.

Seungkwan burst into laughing as soon as he got out of the camp with Si-A. She also laughed. "I never expected Jun x Ae-in." He spoke.

"Now that was out of script." Sia added. "For real. They always keep fighting." "Should have told them to use protection." "For real. Who knows what happens."

"Should we go back and tell them." Seungkwan joked. "Noo!" Si-A chuckled as they walked together. "I'm still- ouch!" Si-A winced in pain as she fell down. Her ankle got twisted.

"Are you okay?" Seungkwan worried as he tried to get her up. " yeah I'm fine. Oh shit." Sia cursed as she fell down once again while trying to stand up. "I don't think you can walk." Seungkwan said.

"No I can." Sia tried to get up once again but failed as she almost fell again but Seungkwan held her. "Come I'll drop you to your camp and call the nurse." Seungkwan patted on his back for Si-A to climb.

"No! I can go by myself." "Don't be silly just listen to me." Seungkwan scolded as she slowly got into his back and he gave her a piggyback ride to her camp.

Si-A could feel her heart beat faster than ever as Seungkwan carried her to her camp. She felt bad for the boy to carry her. But his acts were kinder than ever.

"Oh my god. You're so clumsy I should just put you inside a box to make sure nothing gets you." "I don't need that." "Oh please you need protection very badly. You're too precious." "Oh please."

"Okay we are here. Let me put you down and get the nurse." Seungkwan said flopping her down on her sleeping bag.

Seungkwan brought the nurse with him and She put some ointment on Sia's feet and told her that she can walk a little after a few hours.


At night there was a campfire and all the students were sat surrounding it. Si-A went there with Ae-in as Ae-in helped her to walk and spilled the tea of her and Jun being together.

Of course Ae-in has nothing she hides from Si-A. That girl could forget breathing but not spilling tea to her bestie.

"Guys let's play Truth or Truth. Guess what I have?!" Said Soonyoung while pulling out a lie detector machine.

Soonyoung put Seokmin's hand inside it and asked him "Okay, so Seokmin?! Did you brush today?" "Yes?" The machine beeped and Seokmin got electrocuted in his hand, gettimg startled.

"But I brushed twice!" Seokmin shrieked. "Oh my god Seokmin didn't brush today." "That's so uncool." "I did brush." There started a chaos by teasing Seokmin.

Soonyoung put Seungkwan's hand in the lie detector.

"So Seungkwan aah. Do you like anybody in here?"

Sugar - Boo Seungkwan Where stories live. Discover now