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"So Seungkwan aah. Do you like anybody in here?" "I what-?!" Seungkwan got startled by the question.

"Answer answer." Soonyoung smiled cheekily as Seungkwan glared, sighing afterwards as he answered yes, glancing at Sia who was sitting not to far beside him.

Sia glanced at the machine observing carefully as the machine turned green and Seungkwan turned red in blush. "Woooooooooooo. Our boo likes someone." Another series of tease started as Seungkwan sulked.

Soonyoung then went to Sia and put her hand inside the machine. "Do you like Seungkwan?" Soonyoung blurted making Sia's eyes getting round.

"What?." "Answer. Do you like Boo Seungkwan. Jeju tangerine the annoying version." "Aye hyung-" Seungkwan said as Dokyeom covered his mouth by his palm.

Sia's heart was beating fast in nervousness as she mumbled No. Seungkwan's heart dropped when he heard her saying no. The machine beeped and Electrocuted Sia as she pulled her hand away immediately from the machine.

"Ooooooooooooh! Sikwan ship is sailing~." Everybody near them cooed as both of them blushed.

The night went with so many games and fun beside campfire.

While Sia and Ae-in were going back to their camp, Seungkwan stopped them. "Hey? Can I talk with Sia for a moment?" He said as Ae-in understood that they want some privacy.

"Just talk. Don't fuck." Ae-in blurted while leaving them alone. The other two being speechless at her remark.

"Uhm.. I don't know where to start this." Seungkwan said nervously. "But I have to say this."

"I don't know if the Lie detector is accurate or not. But,..." "But I actually like you a lot, Yoon Sia." Seungkwan confessed, making her eyes enlargen.

"I actually liked you for a long time. But I didn't knew how to approach you. And it's okay if you don't like me or-" He looked into the ground biting his lips.

"Boo Seungkwan." You called out as Seungkwan looked at your face to see you smiling.

"I like you too. I first thought you were just being nice to me because I got hurt but..." "I actually care for you." Seungkwan said as he got closer to Si-A.

"I see that, Seungkwan. And You might be the reason that made me fall at the janitors room. But you did the worse. You made me fall for you." Sia smiled cheekily as Seungkwan chuckled.

Seungkwan grabbed one of her hands. "Then let me make up for it. Let me take you out." "Mmmh. I think I'll have to think about it." "Oh come on. Wouldn't you give me a chance."

"I think you deserve more than one chance." "Then can I get it?" "I- I will think about it." Sia says, taking her hand away from Seungkwan.

"Yaah Yoon Sia. Do you think easy of me?." "Of course. " "Go out with me or I'll-" "You will what?" Sia provoked.

"I'll do this." Seungkwan says placing a small peck on her lips with his as Sia's mouth gapes. "See." "I think you'll need more than that for one chance." Sia smirks as Seungkwan leans over to kiss her slowly.

Holding her waist and pulling her closer as she kissed him back.

"Oh my god. Use protection." Ae-in blurts making the others scoot away from each other. "For real. Kids."

"Yaah! At least we aren't swallowing ourselves alive like you guys were doing in the camp! I almost thought we would get good news after 9 months" Seungkwan sasses making Jun and Ae-in gasp. While Sia laughed so hard she almost fell.

"Shut up Boo Seungkwan. Or else I won't let you date my wife." "She is absolutely mine. Try harder." "No she isn't." "Ask her." "Couldn't help but fall for Boo Seungkwan's charms You know." Sia chuckles.

"Haww betrayal." Ae-in jokes. "Says who? Mrs. Wen?" Sia says making all of them chuckle as Jun pulled Ae-in closer to himself. He winked at his girlfriend as she punched him slightly.

Sia and Seungkwan were hands in hands as four of them went towards the camps.

The End

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