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Among the crowd of students, two best friends tried to make their way to the notice board to search their names. The results of recent tests have been out.

Ae-in barely made her way to the chart, while Si-A struggled to see anything with her glasses and the chaos of students.

Before she could even understand something, Ae-in's gasp made the way to her mind. "SI-A! YOU TOPPED AGAIN MY GIRL!!" Ae-in squealed while rushing, pulling her best friend closer as Si-A saw the notice board.

Her eyes couldn't believe the results. She came first. However, Ae-in knew this outcome would be it. She dragged her almost frozen best friend out of the crowd and shook her.

"SEEE! I TOLD YOU YOU'D COME FIRST LIKE ALWAYS!! MY GIRLL." Sia smiled at her excited best friend. "MY GIRL CAME FIRST! SHE BEAT BOO SEUNGKWAN!". Ae-in squealed getting shushed by Sia

"Don't say it like that." "You think I'm scared? Sike. Bro, I can't surpass my girl." Ae-in giggled as Sia shook her head at the other's childish behaviour.

"Well, congratulations to my girl too. You came 4th." Ae-in glared at Sia. "Shut it. That's nothing compared to you. That dumb Wen took my spot from 3rd. I'll beat him next time."

"You can beat me too." "Not interested. That would be my death." Ae-in rolled her eyes as Sia smirked. "I'm not that good, tho?" "Oh shut up. You're the best. My darling wife." Ae-in puckered her lips as she cupped Sia's face in admiration.

(Let's give Ae-in Sia, Boo seungkwan can cry -)

"Hey? Yoon Sia?" Said another voice behind them as Si-A shrugged off the clingy kitty like girl away from her. Both girls turned to the direction of the voice. There stood Boo Seungkwan, with a big smile plasted in his face.

"Congratulations on first place. Here." Seungkwan gave her a chocolate as a congratulatory gift. Si-A was hesitant to take it but did as Ae-in poked her from the side clearing her throat.

"Congratulations to you too." SI-A spoke out as Seungkwan thanked her. "Let's see you around, I guess?" Seungkwan scratches his neck."Yeah. See you around. "

Seungkwan joined back to his friend circle as Ae-in coughed loudly in mischief. "Ooooooooh, chocolate and blushes. Aha, that's improvement."

"Come on, Ae-in," Si-A pouted as Ae-in giggled. "Today chocolate, tomorrow number, then we get in slumber." Ae-in coos as Si-A's face turns a brighter shade of red.

"Nothing like that will happen. Dont be delusional." "Delusion is my genre." Ae-in flips her short hair.

"No like look at me and look at him." SI-A says as the girls walk on the hallway. "I'm sorry honey, you shine so bright that my eyes can't handle the gorgeousness. It's hard to look at you." Ae-in replies as Si-A chuckles.

"You make me feel like I'm the most beautiful girl in the world." "You are. Cuz you're my wife." The later winked making Sia giggle.

"Let's skip school the n occasion of getting su a good results." "How can we skip?" "I don't know." Ae-in shrugged as Si-A glared.

"We have duty after school today." Ae-in sighed. "Yeah, right. ANYWAYS I DEMAND TREAT LET'S GO!!" Ae-in dragged away her best friend to the cafeteria in excitement as Si-A judged her whole life. 'How does this girl have so much energy. I'm always on battery low mode'

. . ..

Si-A was doing cleaning at the school after classes with Ae-in. They were in charge of the duties today, and it has been pretty late as they were only two and another girl.

Sia was cleaning the classroom when she heard whispers and steps of several people. "Ae-in?" She called, but she got no response. She got scared as she remembered the rumours of the school being haunted.

"Ae-in?" She called again, but there was no response. Sia got out of the classroom into the hallway as she noticed a silhouette crossing the hallway over the opposite end of the hallway

Her throat got dry as her heart froze on her chest. She felt immense fear. "Ae-in?! Where are you?! Ae-in ah!" She called for her friend, but there was no response.

She started walking to the other end of the hallway in fear, just in case she finds Ae-in. "Ae-in!" She called as she heard footsteps coming behind her.

Sia turned her head to right to see who was behind because she definitely could recognise Ae-in's footsteps, and Ae-in clearly didn't walk in silence (she is chatterbox-), but then again, she remembers.

You should not look behind if a spirit is chasing you. Si-A , hought what if it's actually a ghost. She could see a tall, tree like silhouette from the corner of her eyes approaching her.

So she let her intrusive thoughts win and started running down the hallway, to the stairs. She ran and ran as the figure started chasing her. But there wasn't only one figure. There was probably another figure.

"Yoon Si-A!" a faint voice called for her as she ran down the hallway

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