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"Heyy." "Oh hi Seungkwan" said Sia as the boy greeted her. "Here. Take this." Seungkwan handed over his handwritten copy of The notes of Today's class.

"I- you don't have to do this." "Take it. I saw you struggling while writing earlier because of the bandage. So i made two copies of each class." Sia felt her stomach bubbling inside at Seungkwan's kindness.

Why is this boy so precious.

"You didn't had to." Her voice trailed.

"Don't strain yourself. The stitch might reopen. I'll give you the notes. Don't worry. And no arguments otherwise I'll offended" Seungkwan smiled as Sia nodded with a small smile formed in her face.

. . .

Ae-in was feeding Si-A as her hand was cut. Seungkwan joined the table with Jun. "Why are you here." Ae-in glared at Jun. "Didn't knew you own this school. Why can't I sit here."

"Because I'm here. And I can't stand your chinese ass." "Sounds like a YOU problem." Jun said munching on his food, shrugging the short haired girl. "You- Nevermind." Jun smirked as Ae-in couldn't counter attack his comeback.

"Si-A have a bite of this." Seungkwan said putting a piece of tonkatsu in front of Sia's mouth as Si-A looked at it and Seungkwan nodded at her to take a bite and she took it. Blush spreading her face.

"Bruh. Don't hit on my girl. She is out of your league." Ae-in said as Si-A choked on her food. "I'll steal her and she will be my girl." Seungkwan retorted patting Sia's back as the girl kept coughing.

"Don't try me bitch." Ae-in glared as Sia took a sip of water and Seungkwan returned to his seat.

"Don't worry. Even Si-A won't take you once she gets Seungkwan. You'll be abandoned." "I'll court you then." Ae-in teased As Jun's face turned red. He didn't expected that from Ae-in.

"Aww did I make your heart flutter." "Shut up!" Jun said as he continued to munch on his food while Ae-in teased him and The others watched them and laughed.

. . .

It was the school camping time and Sia was waiting on the bus for Ae-in, listening to music. A person sat beside her as she looked to find Seungkwan.

"I can sit here right?" "Huh? Y-yeah." SI-A said as Seungkwan thanked her. "Excuse me you're in my se- owhh Boo Seungkwan. Aha. You can definitely sit here." Ae-in said after she spotted Seungkwan in her seat.

She glanced at the other seats of the bus finding all of them equipped except the one beside Jun, on the exact opposite of Sia and Seungkwan's seat.

"Oh my god. What a luck." Ae-in sighed sitting beside Jun. "I knoe right what a luck. You get to sit beside THE WEN JUNHUI."

"I'm sorry what? I didn't hear you. What was that." Ae-in teased as Jun murmured a Nevermind, making Ae-in chuckle.

"What are you listening to?" "Treasure." "Treasure." Both of them said together and laughed.

"Wanna hear? It's I Love You by Treasure." SI-A handed out one of the ears of her headphone to Seungkwan as he plucked it into his ear.

The ride started with fun. Si-A and Seungkwan started watching A movie to pass time while Jun and Ae-in were gaming against each other, trying to beat each other.

Middle of the movie, Seungkwan felt heaviness on his shoulder to find Si-A sleeping. He slowly turned off the phone and held her head to make sure she doesn't stumble during the ride.

Seungkwan could feel his heart racing from their closeness. He ran his hand through Si-A's soft hair, removing them away from her face as he admired her, smiling to himself.

(Bro is whipped fr-)

The ride was over and Seungkwan slowly tapped her cheek making her stretch her eyes and yawn. "Did I fall asleep?" "Yes. We are at the camp."

Si-A opened her eyes fully to realise she was sleeping in Seungkwan's arms and quickly pulled herself away, her face turning red in embarrassment. "I'm so sorry Seungkwan." "It's fine. Now let's go. We are here." Seungkwan said getting up from his seat.

Si-A noticed a trail of wetness on Seungkwan's T shirt as her eyes turned wide. Embarrassment peaked her body. "Seungkwan. I'm sorry." She said as Seungkwan raised an eyebrow in question.

"I- uhm... I kinda drooled over you- I think." "Ohh. Don't worry. I have spare shirts. I don't mind." (Yeahh like boy wants your drool inside his mouth and not in his shirt. If you know what i mean yuhh :3)


They were supposed to do group activities at the camp and the groups were divided it four.

Ae-in, Si-A, Seungkwan and Junhui were in a group. They finished their group activity and Si-A and Seungkwan decided to take a stroll outside while Ae-in and Jun went back to their camp.

It was the time of Sunset and Si-A and Seungkwan were walking beside the lake nearby. The sunset view mesmerised Si-A.

"So beautiful." She said, taking pictures. "Very beautiful." Seungkwan said as Si-A glanced at him to find him taking her pictures. "Hey! Why'd you do that!"

"What? See how good the picture turned out." Seungkwan said showing her picture.

"You look so beautiful here."

Sugar - Boo Seungkwan Where stories live. Discover now