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A/N this is it guys I have no idea what to write anymore and I haven't updated in ages and I am thinking of starting a new story so this is just a final, thank you for getting this over 1k reads means a lot and I hope to see you all reading my next book as well which will be out soon, all the best for the future and I hope some of your guys start to write your own books as well.

Love you all


3rd Point of View

The years flew by Jasey was able to go to the world cup and represent Australia, her dream came true, all the years of practise finally made up for the hard work. The running away was a thing of the past, but every now and then should would just go to the local park and kick a soccer ball around. She is in her final years of school, she is not sure what she wants to do with herself but she still has time.

As for Calum he is on his world tour this years have gone by super-fast their currently writing for their 5th studio album. He could not be a proud older brother for his younger sister, he loves to see her great big smile when she scores a goal. He loves to see her jumping up and down when they win but being the older brother his protective side come out.

Jasey recently went to her year 11 formal with a boy and Calum got very over protective and gave this young fellow a lecture on how if you hurt my baby sister I will mess up your pretty face and so on.

I guess the rest of the story is up to you guys.

Bye xx

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