Chapter 31: Darkness in the Family

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Agnes stood amidst the serene beauty of the village, the gentle breeze rustling through her hair.

A man, David, knelt before her, a glint of adoration in his eyes as he held out a ring, ready to pledge his love and commitment.

Agnes' heart fluttered, a mix of excitement and trepidation coursing through her veins.

She had longed for companionship and the possibility of building a family, but her sisters' tragic marriages weighed heavily on her mind.

As she gazed into David's eyes, memories of her sisters' unhappy unions haunted her thoughts.

Deborah, trapped in a loveless marriage, her spirit withered under the weight of her husband's cruelty. Victoria suffering with a man with a really bad temper that could affect their whole family, Jia has to fight with Mark everyday because he's always drunk and lazy. Nene's husband cheated on her.

Their stories were etched into Agnes' heart, a constant reminder of the dangers that awaited those who chose the wrong path.

With a deep breath, Agnes' eyes filled with determination. She knew that the love David offered was genuine, but fear gnawed at her, urging her to protect herself from a similar fate.

She couldn't bear the thought of losing her own identity, sacrificing her dreams, or enduring emotional torment.

"David," Agnes began, her voice steady but tinged with regret, "you have shown me such kindness, and I appreciate the love you offer. But I can't accept your proposal."

David's face fell, a mix of confusion and disappointment clouding his expression. "Agnes, I don't understand. I thought we had something special together. Can you tell me why?"

Agnes hesitated, her heart aching at the prospect of hurting him. But the echoes of her sisters' suffering urged her forward. "I'm sorry"

David's eyes softened with understanding, and he reached out to gently touch Agnes' hand. "But..."

With a heavy heart, Agnes thanked David for his understanding. Turning away, she hurried back to her house, her mind set on a new resolve.

She would ensure that she would never fall victim to the same fate as her sisters. She would forge her own path, one that allowed her to live independently but also fulfill her desire for motherhood.

In the quiet solitude of her home, Agnes contemplated her future. She knew that she could live a fulfilling life without a man by her side, but she also yearned for the love and joy that a child could bring.


Nene stood in the kitchen, her arms crossed and a look of frustration etched on her face.

She could hear the distant sound of her husband, Joey, snoring in the bedroom. She clenched her jaw, anger boiling inside her.

Last night, she had come home from work to find the kitchen a mess and no dinner on the table.

Joey had promised to cook but had fallen asleep on the couch instead. This was not the first time he had neglected his responsibilities, and Nene had had enough.

She stormed into the bedroom and shook Joey awake. He groggily opened his eyes and looked at her in confusion. 'What's wrong?' he mumbled.

'What's wrong? What's wrong is that you didn't cook dinner last night and didn't even take out the trash. You promised to help me with the household chores, but you have been slacking off for weeks now!' Nene snapped.

Joey rubbed his eyes and sat up. 'I'm sorry, I must have dozed off. I'll make it up to you, I promise,' he said, his voice laced with guilt.

But Nene was beyond listening to his excuses. 'Oh, you'll make it up to me? How? By sleeping while I do all the work? I am tired of this, Joey. I can't do everything myself,' she retorted.

Joey let out a sigh and got out of bed. 'I'm sorry, okay? I'll take out the trash now and we can order dinner. Please, don't be upset, gosh' he pleaded, trying to calm her down.

But Nene was not about to let him off the hook that easily. 'No, Joey. This has been going on for too long. You promised to change, but you haven't. I can't live like this anymore,' she said, tears welling up in her eyes.

Joey's face darkened, and he clenched his fists in frustration. 'Fine, Nene. If that's how you feel, then maybe we don't need this dining table anymore. After all, we won't be having any dinners together,' he snapped, marching towards the dining table.

Nene's eyes widened in shock as Joey started to lift the dining table. 'What are you doing?' she asked, alarmed.


Nene's shock turned to anger, and she charged at Joey. 'ARE YOU INSANE? YOU CAN'T JUST THROW AWAY OUR DINING TABLE BECAUSE YOU'RE TOO LAZY TO FULFILL YOUR RESPONSIBILITIES!' she shouted, pushing him away.

Joey stumbled and grabbed Nene's arms, pushing her back. 'I AM NOT LAZY, NENE! I'M TIRED OF YOU NAGGING ME ALL THE TIME! I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!' he yelled back.

YOU NEVER LISTEN TO ME! NENE!' Joey shouted back.


Joey took a step towards Nene as his eyes blazed with fury. 'YOU ARE ALWAYS SO CONTROLLING! ALWAYS WANTING THINGS YOUR WAY!'

Nene's temper flared as she shoved Joey hard in the chest. 'YOU'RE ONE TO TALK! MR KNOW-IT-ALL!' she spat.

Joey stumbled back barely able to regain his balance as he glared at his wife. 'HOW DARE YOU PUSH ME LIKE THAT?' he growled taking a step towards Nene.

Nene didn't back down as her own anger fueled hers. 'YOU THINK YOU CAN JUST YELL AT ME AND I'LL TAKE IT? WELL I WON'T!' she yelled as she pushed him again.

This time Joey lost his balance and fell to the ground taking Nene down with him they both landed with a thud their bodies intertwined as they grappled with each other

Fists started flying as they fought each one trying to gain the upper hand

"YOU'RE ALWAYS MAD! NENE" yelled as she landed a punch on Joey's cheek

"THAT'S BECAUSE YOU'RE ALWAYS NAGGING ME!" Joey retorted trying to pin Nene down

Their fight continued for what felt like an eternity their bodies tangled and their screams filling the room

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