Chapter 59: New Household

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Tina's eyes welled up with tears as she saw Mark and Lilliani approaching, their faces etched with determination.

"No, please, I don't want to go!" she cried out, her voice trembling. Backing away, she clutched at Deborah's arm, desperate to stay.

But Lilliani was having none of it. "Tina, you're coming with us right now," she said sternly, her hand reaching out to grab the girl's wrist.

Tina tried to pull away, but Lilliani's grip was unyielding. "Let go of me!" she shouted, her body thrashing as Mark joined in, physically trying to drag her towards their car.

Deborah watched helplessly, her heart breaking at the sight of her daughter's distress. "Please, can't we talk about this?" she pleaded, but her words fell on deaf ears.

"Talk about what?" Lilliani snapped, her patience wearing thin. "Tina's been causing trouble for far too long, and you are no help for her because you're busy with your illegal stuff. She's coming home with us, and that's final.

Tina's cries grew louder, her sobs punctuating the tense atmosphere. "I don't want to go! I want to stay here with Mom!" she wailed, her nails clawing at Lilliani's hands in a desperate attempt to free herself.

But Lilliani remained resolute, her grip tightening as she and Mark continued to pull Tina towards the car. "You're making this so much harder than it needs to be," she scolded. "Stop this ridiculous tantrum right now and get in the car!"

Deborah felt a lump in her throat, watching her daughter's futile struggle. She wanted to intervene, to protect Tina, but the fear of what might happen if she did held her back.

As Tina's cries echoed through the neighborhood, Deborah could only watch, her heart sinking, as her daughter was forcibly dragged away, disappearing into the car and leaving her feeling helpless and alone.

Tina's desperate pleas and wails filled the air as Mark and Lilliani finally managed to drag her into the car. She fought and kicked with all her might, but their grip was unyielding.

Deborah stood frozen, her heart shattering as she watched her daughter being forced away against her will.

She wanted to run after the car, to pull Tina back to safety, but the fear of the consequences held her in place.

As the car pulled out of the driveway, Tina's face pressed against the window, her eyes red with tears.

Deborah raised a trembling hand, her own tears spilling down her cheeks, as she mouthed a silent "I'm sorry" to her daughter.

Tina's cries grew fainter as the car sped away, leaving Deborah alone, her arms wrapped around herself in a futile attempt to ease the ache in her chest.

The silence that followed was deafening, broken only by Deborah's muffled sobs. She had failed to protect her child, and the guilt weighed heavily on her shoulders.

In the distance, the sound of the car's engine faded, taking Tina away, and with her, a piece of Deborah's heart.

She stood there, rooted to the spot, her mind racing with a thousand what-ifs and endless regrets.

A few hours later...

Lilliani's grip on Tina's arm tightened as she dragged the sobbing girl into her home. Anger and frustration were evident in every step.

"If you can talk back and be rude to your mother all the time, then you certainly won't be doing the same to me!" Lilliani shouted, pushing Tina roughly through the doorway.

Willie immediately ran to the living room and peaked onto the commotion.

Tina stumbled, her tears flowing freely down her cheeks. "Please, I want to go back to Mom!" she pleaded, her voice quivering.

But Lilliani was in no mood for negotiation. "No, you're staying here with us now," she snapped. "Your mother can't seem to control you, but I can assure you, I will be much stricter."

Tina cowered, her body trembling as Lilliani towered over her, her face contorted with fury.

"You think you can just act out and disrespect us? Well, that's going to change, young lady," Lilliani continued, her finger jabbing accusingly at Tina. "From now on, you'll do as you're told, or there will be consequences."

Tina's sobs only intensified as she listened to Lilliani's harsh words. She felt utterly powerless, trapped in a situation she desperately wanted to escape.

"I want to go home! I want my mom!" Tina cried, her hands covering her face in a futile attempt to shield herself from Lilliani's onslaught.

But Lilliani remained unyielding, her voice laced with a sense of authority that left Tina feeling small and helpless.

"This is your home now, Tina. And you better get used to it, because you're not going anywhere until you learn to behave and respect us."

Lilliani's face twisted with anger as Tina's cries continued to fill the room. She stood over the distraught girl, her posture rigid and her expression unforgiving.

"Enough of this crying!" she snapped, her voice sharp and commanding. "You're not a child anymore, Tina, so it's time you start acting like it."

Tina flinched at the harsh tone, her tears momentarily subsiding as she met Lilliani's stern gaze.

"From now on, there are going to be some strict rules in this house," Lilliani continued, her finger jabbing the air for emphasis. "No more phones, you'll eat meals with the family, and you'll come straight home from school. And your cousin Willie will be keeping an eye on you since you'll be going to the same school."

Tina's eyes widened in disbelief. "But I'm not a kid! I can take care of myself!" she protested, her voice wavering.

Lilliani's eyes narrowed, and she shook her head. "Clearly, you can't, or you wouldn't be in this situation," she retorted. "So, you'll do as you're told, and that includes studying hard and being in bed by 7 pm every night. If you have a grade under 90, you will be grounded the entire school year and the only time you get to go out is school days!"

Tina opened her mouth to argue, but the fierce glare from Lilliani silenced her instantly.

"No buts!" Lilliani snapped. "You're lucky we're taking you in at all, so you'd better start showing some gratitude and respect. Or else."

Tina's shoulders slumped, her defiant spirit slowly crushed by the overwhelming weight of Lilliani's ultimatums.

The tears threatened to spill anew as she realized the extent of the control Lilliani sought to exert over her life.

Trapped in this unfamiliar environment, Tina felt her independence slipping away, replaced by helplessness and dread.

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