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"Alright. I'm hacking into the phone's camera now. There, that's it. That's a live stream from the camera. Someplace... Hold on. I can triangulate this. Okay, it's Chicago cell sites. There, I've got it. Trump Tower, Chicago. Lower penthouse." "I'm going." Sam said. "You sure?" "She's done nothing but try to help me, and I can be there in 15 hours." "You're not going alone." Epps said behind me. I turned and stood next to him. "Yeah, we will be by your side." I also agreed. "I thought you didn't like her." Sam said. "Yeah, I don't, but I care about you." I said, turned around and left the room. "I still have my NEST friends out there. I'll round them up; we'll find your girlfriend; we're gonna bring this guy in." "Why are you helping me?" Sam asked as I was already getting in the back of the car. "'Cause that asshole killed my friends, too."

Hours later, we were in the car, and it was already sunrise again. "We got a signal earlier. It's not working." Everywhere we drove through, it was destroyed. There were many people just ruining around trying to save their lives. We stopped the car and got out, looking around the destroyed city. "We came here to find her in the middle of all that." "Are we really going out there, Epps?" "I'm not going in there," The others said. "I am." I said. They all turned to me. "What?! Why!?" Epps and Sam asked me furiously. "They killed him, okay?! They killed Optimus and the other Autobots. And even if I'm going to die there, I'm going to try getting in there and killing as many enemies as possible."

"You're gonna get yourself killed, Y/n. Is that what you want? Is THAT what you want?! You came all the way here not to help Carly, just for your revenge? Huh?" Sam stated. I was already on my way to the city when Epps tried to get me back. Sam and the others just watched. "Listen. Even if you get there, even if you get to kill a few people, you won't make it out alive." "What do you suggest I do?! Start a new life!? Life like nothing happened?! Forget it!" "Y/n. It's over. I'm sorry, but it's over." "He was my first and only love," I mumbled and turned to go on.

"WOAH INCOMING!" One of the soldiers yelled, and a spaceship came and fired at us. Epps rushed over to the other side, but I was not fast enough as the spaceship flew after me and pointed his guns at me. It loaded its guns and was ready to shoot when, from the other direction, shots were heard and the spaceship got destroyed. I slowly removed my hands from my face and saw the decepticons. Then I turned around and saw the so familiar blue and red colors from Optimus Prime. "Oh my god." I said and looked at him with wide eyes, who also made eye contact with me.

"We will kill them all." The other autobots killed the Decepticon while Optimus came up to me and bent down, so his face was right in front of me, and what did I do? I slapped him in the face. Not that it did any damage to him, then to me. After I slapped him I held my hand in pain. "Oww that actually hurt." I mumbled, looking at my hand, while Optimus looked at me surprised. And I then also looked from my hand to him again. "How dare you? How dare you get killed?!" I yelled at him angry, while he looked at me with calming eyes. "I didn't get killed." He said calmly. "Yeah! But I thought you were dead!" "I'm sorry, Y/n, but it had to be done." He said with a sad tone in his voice. "You have no idea how in pain I was." I said "How did you survive?" Sam asked, "I saw your ship blow up." I said quietly. "The ship? We were never on the ship. We designed the damn thing, didn't we?" "We were hidden in the first booster rocket to separate. Splashed down back in the Atlantic, just as planned. We ain't going nowhere." "Yeah, no one exiling us." Brains spoke. "The autobots are staying right here. We're gonna help you win this war." Wheelie said behind him.

"They're surrounding the city to make a fortress. So no one can see what they're up to inside. Our only chance is the element of surprise. "I think I know where to look!"

"So you can fly this thing, right?" Sam asked. Bee made some moves with his hands that showed: 'a little.' "What is that... What is that? What is that? So-so?" Sam asked. "So you so-so can fly this. That feels terrible. "We're right behind you. Epps told me when he gave me a pistol. "Thank you, Epps." "All right, we're going in." "Alright, You guys go get Carly, and I go with Optimus and the other autobots." I said and went up to sideswipe.

For about half an hour, we drove through the city when we noticed ships firing on a glass building. "The others must be there." I said. "I'm sure they're fine." Sideswipe answered. "Yeah. I said. We are now driving in the direction of the river to get across to the pillar. When suddenly decepticons started firing at Sideswipe, Dino and Ratchet. They all transformed, and Sideswipe tried to throw me out as gently as possible. I landed on the street and instantly tried to get up when Dylan held me down. I looked around and saw that the other autobots were captured as well. I also noticed Bee, who was also held down next to Wheeljack.

"Prisoners? You're keeping prisoners?" "Yes." "You need to talk to them about respect. This was all business, but now it's getting personal; do you understand me?" "Hehe, I understand." The decepticons said in a disgusting voice. "No prisoners, only trophies and dead bodies. He said eyeing me. "Bee, I think they're going to kill us." Wheeljack said terrified. "You, your time is up." No! Wait! wait! wait!" He yelled, but it was no use. The Decepticons shot him while I just watched him in terror. And it looked like Bee was next, that dylan guy walked away, leaving us. The Decepticon held the gun to Bee's head, ready to shoot.

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