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Story Bio: Somewhere in the galaxy, there was a planet known as Mobius, which was the location where the tropical island, known as South Island, which has some Loop-de-loops of landscapes. The ones who lived on the island was Long-Claw the Giant Owl, and her adopted son, Sonic the Hedgehog, and life was good for Sonic. But then one day, the Echidna tribe found the pair and attacked them, before one of the echidnas fired an arrow that hits Long-Claw, injuring the Giant Owl enough to prevent her to fly. Before the Echidnas came, Long-Claw used a special golden ring called a Warp Ring, to open a portal to Earth, which she used to send Sonic to in hopes for him to escape from the echidnas, while the owl stayed behind to fight them until both sides met their end. Back with Sonic, while heartbroken that he lost his guardian and was now all alone, the little hedgehog knew that he had to keep living for the owl's sake. 10 years later, Sonic became a teenager and has been living on the island he ended up on, which was one of the islands of Hawaii, known as Kauai. There were a few people that he liked to spied on to pass the time, which was the Wachowski couple, Tom and Maddie, and a little Hawaiian girl named Lilo, who just recently got adopted by the Wachowski couple after her birth parents passed away from a car crash during a rainy day. Since he didn't knew their real names, Sonic gave them nicknames, like Donut Lord for Tom as he likes talking to donuts, Pretzel Lady for Maddie as she can band her arms and legs like a pretzel when she does yoga, and Hula girl for Lilo as she likes to take hula classes. One night, Sonic went to a baseball field to try playing baseball by himself, but after beating himself and see that there were no people to cheer for him, Sonic got really sad as he realized that he was gonna be alone forever. In hopes to ease the pain in his lonely heart, Sonic runs around the baseball field in super sonic speed, which caused him to accidentally unleash a powerful explosion of blue Chaos energy that came out of his body, which caused an EMP blast that took out the power on all the islands of Hawaii. Meanwhile, a little alien police cruiser crashed into the island of Kauai, and out came a little koala like alien called 626, who got ran over by some trucks, but was not due to being nearly indestructible, but the impact knocked him out cold. When morning came, 626 woke up to see that he was in some animal shelter, which belonged to an old lady named Mrs Hasagawa, who also works as a fruit seller, and Lilo came there to have a dog as Tom and Maddie believed that taking care of a dog should help Lilo learn how to be responsible. Of course out of all the animals Lilo would pick, she pick out 626, and named him Stitch. As Lilo tries to teach Stitch to be good, a pair of aliens, who were Jumba Jookiba, Stitch's creator, and Agent Pleakley, the Galactic Federation's expert on Earth, were watching and waiting for the right moment to make their move on capturing Stitch. When Lilo and Stitch came back to the Wachowski house, they discovered Sonic, who was hiding from the people of the military that came to investigate the blackout he caused. It wasn't long before Tom discovered Sonic too and freaked out before shooting a tranquilizer gun that caused Sonic to lose his bag of Warp rings through a portal that goes to the city of Honolulu, which was located on another island of Hawaii. When a government agent, who was also a robotic genius named Dr Ivo Robotnik, came to the scene, he attempted to harm Lilo with his robots to force Tom on telling him where the source of the Blackout was. Luckily for the little girl, Sonic woke up and punched Robotnik in the face, allowing Tom, Maddie, Lilo and Stitch to escape and Sonic joined them on getting away from Robotnik and his drones. After some convincing, Tom, Maddie and Lilo agreed to help Sonic find his rings, while Stitch got the idea of using the rings for himself to escape. During the boat trip to Honolulu, Sonic started to form a bond with the Wachowski couple and Lilo, who was forming a bond with Stitch, who couldn't help but started to have a bond with the group too. Of course they were being tailed by not only Dr Robotnik, Jumba and Pleakley, but also a member of the CIA named Cobra Bubbles as well. Once the group got to Honolulu, the group get an encounter with Jumba and Pleakley, who revealed that Stitch was an alien that one of them created for nothing but destruction. Lilo of course didn't care as she believes that there is good in Stitch, who was starting to believe that she might be right about that fact. After escaping from Jumba and Pleakley, Sonic and the others finally found the rings, only for Lilo to get captured by Robotnik and carried her away in his single pilot aircraft. Sonic and Stitch managed to convinced Jumba and Pleakley to help them and the Wachowski couple to rescue Lilo from Robotnik, and it wasn't long before a chase between Robotnik's aircraft and Jumba and Pleakley's ship was on that went across the islands of Hawaii until Sonic and Stitch managed to rescue Lilo and Sonic used one of his rings to send Robotnik to the Mushroom planet so that he can't cause any more trouble on Earth. After returning to Kauai, the Grand Councilwoman of the Galactic Federation, along with Captain Gantu of the Galactic Armada, came and attempted to arrest Stitch, but since Lilo bought Stitch at the animal shelter, she owns him, which means the aliens can't take the little blue alien away without breaking one of the rules of Earth. So instead the Grand Councilwoman decided to sentence Stitch to live on Earth with the Wachowski family and Lilo, while Sonic gets adopted by the Wachowski couple as they knew the hedgehog needed a family, which makes him Lilo's new older brother. As for Jumba and Pleakley, they were sentenced to remain on Earth to watch over Stitch and his new family. After becoming part of the family, the aliens learned a new word for family, which was Ohana, which means family, and family means nobody gets left behind or forgotten. A few weeks later, Stitch was having trouble on getting others to like him while Sonic was having a hard time proving that he is a hero as he was being a little reckless and stuff. Then one night, while having a movie night, the house lost it's power, and the Dr Robotnik broke down the door. Turns out that the mad genius, who was now bald and had a bigger and messier mustache, managed to escape from the Mushroom planet, thanks to the help of a teenage alien echidna named Knuckles, who was after a special gem known as the Master Emerald, and he believes Sonic was the key to finding it. The echidna was proven to be a tough opponent for both Sonic and Stitch, and he was close on killing them when the pair got rescued by a police car that hits the echidna. Turns out the driver was a young 8 year old alien fox named Tails, who was not only a big fan of Sonic, but was born with a second tail that helps him fly around. While Tails and Sonic lure Knuckles away, Lilo and Stitch discovered a container that contained pod forms of the other 625 experiments that Jumba created before Stitch, which can be reactivated by getting wet. They reactivated one of the pods, which in this case was 221, in hopes to help Sonic, only he caused a power surge and ran off to cause more power surges throughout the island. After escaping from Knuckles, Sonic and Tails discovered a secret hologram message from Long-Claw in Sonic's map that explains to them that the Master Emerald was located somewhere on Earth, and it must be kept away from the wrong hands. While Sonic and Tails begin their search for the Master Emerald, Lilo and Stitch did a search of their own for experiment 221, who was causing a lot of power surges in the town of Kauai. While Lilo and Stitch managed to catch Experiment 221, which Lilo named to Sparky, Sonic and Tails managed to find the Master Emerald, but so did Robotnik, who betrayed Knuckles before stealing the Master Emerald and uses it to create a giant robot that he uses to begin attacking Kauai. Fortunately for the people of Hawaii, after some convincing, Knuckles joins forces with Sonic and Tails, along with Lilo, Stitch and Sparky, who all went to take down the giant robot, getting the Master Emerald back and defeating Robotnik while saving Hawaii in the process. After saving Hawaii and defeating Robotnik a second time, Tails and Knuckles got adopted by Tom and Maddie, which made the pair new brothers for both Sonic and Lilo. As for Sparky, he got a place to live in the lighthouse as it takes a lot of power to get it working, so Sparky's electricity can't damage it and allows it to work again. At first the Grand Councilwoman wanted to destroy the rest of Jumba's genetic experiments, but Lilo managed to convinced her that if she and Stitch, along with Sonic and his team, can turn Stitch and Sparky from bad to good, then they can do the same for the other experiments as well, which the Grand Councilwoman went along with and gave Lilo, Stitch and Team Sonic the job as experiment hunters to catch the experiments and turn them good and give them a place where they belong. However, Robotnik, who discovered the fact that there are other experiments like Stitch, decided to try going after the experiments for his own evil plans, but he can't do it without risking getting captured himself, so he hired two 'not real' alien hunting teenagers named Merwin and Dean, to go after the experiments for him. There was an experiment, called 010, which Lilo named Felix, was programmed to be a total neat freak, but he was quite dangerous too with laser beams coming out of his snot that can vaporize a fly. There were many experiments that Stitch and Team Sonic befriended, but Stitch's number 1 favorite of the experiments was the pink female experiment, which was 624, that Lilo named Angel, who became Stitch's girlfriend. At first Angel worked for Robotnik and tried to turn the experiments back to evil, but when she started hanging out with Stitch, she soon realized that she really loved him and saved him by changing the other experiments back to good and became part of Stitch's Ohana. Merwin and Dean tried to recapture Angel, but Stitch and Team Sonic were determined to protect her from them and their boss as well. One day, Dr Robotnik sends Merwin and Dean to capture Jumba and forced him to get a warp ring to Jumba's lab in order to create the mad doctor's own version of Stitch, which worked and a new experiment was created, which was like a red version of Stitch that Robotnik decided to call Leroy, who was without a doubt the most powerful experiment that Jumba has ever created. However, while Leroy was on a mission, he meets and falls in love with one of the other experiments, which was experiment 248, AKA Belle, and because of his feelings for her and felt guilty for betraying her, Leroy decided to turn good and protect Belle to make her happy again and became part of the family. As for Team Sonic, they managed to get new members out of a pink female alien hedgehog named Amy Rose, and her adopted little sister, Cream the Rabbit, who were both looking for a place to live after losing their old home world by a deadly meteor shower. It wasn't long before Vanilla the Rabbit, the birth mother of Cream and adopted mother of Amy Rose, came along and she became a mother figure for the many experiments on Hawaii and helps Lilo on teaching the experiments to be good, along with her and her daughters became new members of Sonic and Lilo's ever growing family. The Sonic team soon learned that while Amy can see see glimpse of future events with her tarot cards and summon her massive Piko Piko Hammer, Cream can not only fly by flapping her ears like bird wings, but can heal others with her hands or tears. One night, an alien with a body made of water and glowing green eyes, named Chaos, arrived on Hawaii in search of the Master Emerald, as it was the original guardian of the 7 Chaos Emeralds that the echidnas stole from his kind to create the Master Emerald a very long time ago. Both the experiments and Team Sonic had a hard time defeating Chaos, as the alien was very powerful. However, Cream was able to become friends with Chaos, which caused the alien to lose it's anger and changed back to it's original form, which was a cute little fairy like creature with a rain drop shaped head called a Chao. Because of the fact that the experiments Team Sonic were part of Cream's group of friends and family, Chaos decided to allow them to continue on being guardians of the Master Emerald, while helping them and Cream on ways on how to protect it. Cream also gave Chaos a red bow tie as a present and a nickname, which was Cheese as the little Chao was a lover of cheese as it seemed. As time went by, Lilo teaches the aliens about the holidays of Earth, like Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas and more, and they all found them quite interesting and fun too. Sometimes, Sonic goes on a date with Amy while Stitch goes on a date with Angel, and even Leroy goes on a date with Belle. Of course they're not the only ones who go on a little date, for there is also Tails as he has a little crush on sweet little Cream as well. Sometimes even Jumba and Pleakley have a love rivalry for Vanilla's heart, even though she doesn't know about or the fact that she wasn't interested in either of them. While normally the boys protect the girls from the villains, there are times when the girls are the ones who protect the boys from Dr Robotnik and his lackeys, like the time when the villains tried to brainwash them but failed when the girls managed to save them just in the nick of time. One experiment, which was 625, named Reuben by Lilo as he loves making sandwiches, ends up being friends with Captain Gantu and became his galley officer. Soon, at long last, Lilo's team and Sonic's team managed to find and turned all of Jumba's genetic experiments from bad to good, and found them a place they can belong as well. However, Robotnik was not giving up on getting his revenge and achieving his goal on taking over not only Earth, but the entire galaxy as well. The mad human doctor managed to take control of Jumba's lab and uses one of Sonic's quills to create a dark and evil version of Sonic, which he names Shadow, a creature that Robotnik dubs as the Ultimate Life form. Robotnik sends Shadow to attack both Sonic and Stitch, who were trying their best to defeat Shadow, but Pleakley came to them in a bad time, allowing Shadow to beat both Sonic and Stitch, before trapping them along with Jumba and Pleakley inside a little space ship that Robotnik programs to fly into a black hole. With his number 1 and 2 enemies gone, Robotnik sends Shadow to lead an army of Badniks to take over Planet Turo so he can take charge of the Galactic Federation and overthrow the Grand Councilwoman as well. As for Merwin and Dean, since he had Shadow now, Robotnik fired the pair as he saw them as nothing but idiots who could never be more than just fake alien hunting geeks. After taking over the galaxy, Robotnik sends Shadow to capture the rest of the experiments and other aliens and round them up to the Aloha Stadium so he destroy them all at once. However, because of Sonic having a warp ring, the hedgehog, Stitch, Jumba and Pleakley managed to get back to Earth and helps out their family to fight both Robotnik and Shadow, along with their army of Badnik robots. The battle in the stadium between the Ohana and Robotnik's army was intense, and it was a battle that would decide the fate of not only themselves, but the fate of the entire galaxy as well. In the end, thanks to the help of the Ohana, along with redeemed Merwin and Dean, who wanted revenge against their former boss, Sonic and Stitch managed to defeat both Robotnik and Shadow, along with the Badniks, and soon the Galactic Federation were back in control, and the Grand Councilwoman was back into power. Both Dr Robotnik and Shadow ended up in the space prison that's located on an astroid as punishment for their crimes against the galaxy, while Merwin and Dean got the job of being members of Captain Gantu's Galactic Armada as a reward for helping the Ohana saving the galaxy. Speaking of the Ohana, they all went to have a big family group photo, and they all said 'Aloha!' when the camera takes the picture. Lilo, Stitch and Sonic couldn't be any more happier as they finally got their wish on having a big family and a lot of friends, or an Ohana in this case, and this is where this story comes to a close... Aloha!



Ben Schwartz as Sonic the Hedgehog

Chris Sanders as Stitch/ Leroy

Daveigh Chase as Lilo

Colleen O'Shaughnessey as Miles (Tails) Prower

Idris Elba as Knuckles the Echidna

Shannon Chan-Kent as Amy Rose

Rebecca Honig as Cream the Rabbit/ Cheese the Chao/ Vanilla the Rabbit

Tara Strong as Angel/ Belle

Frank Welker as Sparky

Tress MacNeille as Felix

James Marsden as Tom (Donut lord) Wachowski

Tika Sumpter as Maddie (Pretzel lady) Wachowski

Ving Rhames as Cobra Bubbles

David Ogden Stiers as Jumba Jookiba

Kevin McDonald as Pleakley

Amy Hill as Mrs Hasagawa

Zoe Caldwell as Grand Councilwoman

Jim Carrey as Dr Ivo (Eggman) Robotnik

Kevin Michael Richardson as Gantu

Rob Paulsen as Reuben

Dee Bradley Baker as Merwin

Diedrich Bader as Dean

Keanu Reeves as Shadow the Hedgehog

Note: [There you have it folks, my version of a bio story about a crossover between Movie Sonic and the adventures of Lilo & Stitch, I hope you liked it, and I hope you'll all like my other stories too, BYE!]

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